Chapter 56: Discharged

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A surge of anticipation and newfound energy coursed through (y/n)'s body as she gingerly hobbled around her small hospital room, the sterile scent lingering in the air. The moment she had eagerly awaited had finally arrived—the time for her to be discharged. Her heart raced with excitement, fueling her determination to leave the confinements of the hospital behind and embark on the path to recovery.

With each careful hop on her one good foot, (y/n) navigated around the room, ensuring that she had gathered all her belongings. Her eyes darted from the bedside table to the windowsill, making sure she didn't miss anything important. She methodically checked her bag, meticulously arranging her notes and miscellaneous items, the remnants of her hospital stay.

A sense of liberation intertwined with her movements, as if each hop brought her one step closer to reclaiming her freedom. The room that had once served as her sanctuary during her healing process now felt suffocating, urging her to venture out into the world beyond its sterile walls.

Just as (y/n) was poised to make a daring leap past the threshold of her room, the door swung open with a burst of energy, revealing the familiar figure of Yaku, the steadfast libero of Nekoma High. Startled by his sudden entrance, (y/n) froze momentarily, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of his concerned expression.

"(Y/n)-san!" Yaku's voice carried a mix of relief and worry as he hurried toward her. "Where is your ankle brace? You don't have crutches yet! It's far too risky for you to be up and hopping around like this. You could worsen your injury."

Caught off guard by his swift approach, (y/n) found herself effortlessly scooped up into Yaku's strong arms, cradled in a bridal-style carry. She instinctively protested, squirming within his grasp, hoping he would release her and allow her to continue her escape. However, a stern and determined look from Yaku instantly conveyed that he had assumed his role of the team's nurturing caretaker, affectionately known as "Mama Mode." Resigned to her fate, (y/n) relaxed against his chest, finding solace in his unwavering support.

With careful and attentive movements, Yaku gently set (y/n) back onto her bed, ensuring her comfort and safety. His eyes darted around the room, searching for her ankle brace with a sense of urgency. Finally locating it, he returned to her side, his hands deftly securing the brace around her injured ankle, providing the stability and protection she needed. Every touch from Yaku exuded a mixture of expertise and tenderness, easing (y/n)'s discomfort and instilling a sense of trust.

Once her ankle was properly attended to, Yaku's nimble fingers moved with precision as he skillfully changed the bandages on her forehead and knee, delicately tending to every wound with a meticulous care. Each gentle touch conveyed a unspoken reassurance, letting (y/n) know that she was not alone in her journey toward recovery.

A triumphant smile graced Yaku's lips as he finished the task, the satisfaction of having provided the care she required evident in his eyes. "There!" he declared with a hint of pride. "Now we're going to wait right here until Coach arrives with your crutches."

Letting out a melodramatic groan, (y/n) slouched against Yaku's supportive frame, finding comfort in his presence. She nestled her head against his chest, relishing in the warmth that radiated from him. The rhythmic beating of his heart served as a soothing lullaby, easing the anxieties that had welled up within her. Together, they created a sanctuary within that hospital room—a sanctuary filled with unwavering support and unspoken understanding.

As they settled into their shared embrace, a silence enveloped them, punctuated only by the soft sounds of their breathing. Yet, the silence spoke volumes, a language understood by both of them. It conveyed a sense of gratitude, a bond forged through shared experiences and unwavering camaraderie.

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