SPECIAL Chapter 120: What Does Aoba Johsai Think Of (y/n)?

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Oikawa Tōru: "(Y/n)-chan? Oh, she's amazing, you know? Not just at volleyball, though she's quite the talent on the court. Her skills are remarkable, and I've got to admit, I've watched a few of her games. Impressive stuff. And as a coach for Karasuno, she's got this natural knack for guiding others. I've seen her in action, and the way she handles the team—pure genius. The players really respond well to her. But it's not just about volleyball. She's a genuinely nice person, always willing to help and support others. I think that's what makes her even more incredible. We need more people like her in the volleyball world. As for her dog, Kenta... Well, let's just say, he's a bit intimidating. I don't like being on his bad side! So, if you ask me, (y/n)-chan should definitely consider going out with me. It's a win-win, right? She gets an awesome date, and I get to spend time with someone as amazing as her."

Matsukawa Issei: "Oh, (y/n)-san? She's a riot. You know, it's almost too easy to tease her. She's got this adorable flustered look that's just too cute to resist. But in all seriousness, she's not just a good sport, she's a fantastic player too. Her skills on the court are nothing short of impressive. It's always a challenge going up against her. And coaching? She's got a real talent for it. The way she handles the team, motivates them—it's like watching a master at work. I've seen her turn a game around with just a few words. It's pretty admirable. Honestly, (y/n)-san is the kind of person you'd want on your side. Tough, skilled, and, well, it's not a secret, she's got this charm that just draws you in. No wonder she's doing wonders for Karasuno."

Hanamaki Takahiro: "Oh, (y/n)-san? She's a riot, isn't she? Teasing her is like a sport in itself. The way she gets all flustered is just too entertaining. I mean, it's hard to resist when she reacts so cute. But jokes aside, she's a beast on the volleyball court. Seriously, you wouldn't want to be on the other side when she's on fire. And coaching? She's got this knack for it. Knows how to get the best out of the team, and you can see the results. And hey, if she ever needs a break from dealing with all these energetic players, she knows where to find us for a good laugh."

Iwaizumi Hajime: "Uh, (y/n)-san? Well, she's... she's great. Yeah, really great. Not just on the court, but as a person too. She's got this way of seeing people for who they are, you know? Doesn't get swayed by appearances or anything. And as a coach, she's top-notch. Knows how to bring out the best in everyone. It's not just about skills; she cares about the person behind the player. That's what makes her special. And yeah, she doesn't fall for Oikawa's charms. I think that's a feat in itself. He tries his best, but she's not one to be swayed by just a pretty face, dumb as it may be."

Yahaba Shigeru: "Oh, (y/n)-san? Yeah, she's alright, I guess, I mean, she's a good coach. Knows her stuff. You can see she's got a knack for the game. And, you know, she's a good person too. Not bad to be around. I guess she's pretty decent at handling Oikawa, which is a skill on its own."

Watari Shinji: "Ah, (y/n)-san is incredible! Have you seen her play as a libero? Top-notch. I've learned a lot just by watching her move on the court. It's like poetry in motion. And as a coach, she's been a game-changer for Karasuno. You can see how the team has evolved under her guidance. She knows how to bring out the best in everyone. She's got this way of connecting with the players, you know? There's genuine respect there. A few of my teammates have mentioned how much they've learned from her, not just about volleyball, but about teamwork and determination. I get why they like her so much. She's the real deal, on and off the court."

Kindaichi Yūtarō: "Uh, (y/n)-san? Well, she's, um, really great. I mean, as a person. She's nice, approachable... you know. And as a coach, she's done wonders for Karasuno. It's impressive. Oh, and Kenta, her dog? I... uh, like watching over him sometimes. He's a cool pup. I appreciate how (y/n)-san trusts me with Kenta. It makes me feel... you know, reliable. Like she counts on me for something important."

Kunimi Akira: "Oh, (y/n)-san? She's... fine, I guess. Personality-wise, she's alright. Pretty easygoing, I suppose. And, well, as a volleyball player and coach, she's actually really good. Knows her stuff... Okay, fine. (y/n)-san is... pretty cool, I guess. She's got this way of understanding people, you know? Like, really getting them, and that's something. And on the court, she's got skills. Good instincts. She's got that talent, you know, that you can't teach. But let's not make a big deal out of it. Oh, and her dog, Kenta. Yeah, weird little thing. Cute, though."

Kyōtani Kentarō: "Why do I care about that? She's a coach or whatever, right? Seemed fine during the game, I guess. Iwaizumi-senpai seems to respect her, maybe even like her. Guess that means she's a great person or something. Whatever..."

!! If you notice anyone missing in this list, please tell me in the comments!

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