Chapter 16: After The Match

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(Y/n) and her brother eagerly prepared themselves to address the Nekoma boys, waiting with anticipation for their arrival. As the boys approached, (y/n) beamed at them, her smile radiating warmth and causing a few of the Nekoma players to blush, while Yamamoto nearly lost consciousness from the sheer intensity of her gaze. Sensing the effect she had on them, Keishin decided it was best for (y/n) to take the lead in delivering their praise.

"First of all, well done, everyone," (y/n) began, her voice filled with genuine admiration. "You guys are an incredibly strong and cohesive team. The way you work together is truly impressive, and your receives... oh, your receives are simply outstanding! Our team could definitely learn a thing or two from observing your skills."

Keishin interjected, recognizing his sister's tendency to veer off track. "You're getting off track, Jinx," he reminded her, his tone playful yet firm.

Realizing her digression, (y/n) refocused her attention on each player, starting with Inuoka. She directed her bright smile towards the energetic boy.

"Inuoka, you've got incredible reflexes and immense potential," she praised, her words laced with genuine encouragement. "Keep honing your basics and continue pushing yourself, and I have no doubt that you'll become even stronger in no time."

Inuoka blushed profusely, gratefully thanking (y/n) for her kind words and feeling a renewed sense of motivation coursing through him.

Turning her attention to Yamamoto, (y/n) acknowledged his infectious energy and indomitable spirit, drawing a comparison to Karasuno's own Tanaka.

"Yamamoto-senpai, your incredible energy reminds me so much of Tanaka-senpai. It's what makes you such a formidable ace," she commended, her admiration evident in her voice. "Channel that passion into your spikes, and you'll continue to be a force to be reckoned with on the court."

The compliment sent Yamamoto into a state of shock once again, nearly toppling over until Inuoka rushed to his aid, helping him regain his composure.

Shifting her focus to Kenma, (y/n) acknowledged his role as Nekoma's exceptional setter, emphasizing his unique approach compared to Karasuno's Kageyama.

"Kenma, you're a truly remarkable setter. You bring a different style to the game compared to Kageyama," she stated, her voice filled with respect. "You serve as the brain, the core of your team, allowing everyone else's strengths to shine. Your observation skills are truly remarkable. Just remember not to be too scared of the ball when it comes to blocking."

Kenma, usually reserved and quiet, nodded his head, his cheeks flushed as his teammates offered supportive pats on his back. A soft giggle escaped (y/n)'s lips as she moved on to Kuroo.

"You, Kuroo-senapi, are a natural middle blocker. Your blocks are nothing short of fantastic, and you possess a well-rounded skill set that contributes to the team's overall success," she praised, acknowledging the tall boy's prowess. However, her moment of appreciation was swiftly met with his playful comment.

"Well, thanks, Kitten," Kuroo responded, his voice filled with playful mischief.

"Don't call me that," (y/n) retorted, her response curt and unyielding.

"Reeoww," he playfully replied, refusing to back down from his nickname.

Undeterred, (y/n) turned her attention to Yaku, acknowledging his incredible contributions as a libero-a vital asset to any team's defense.

"Yaku-senpai, you are an incredible asset to the team. Your receives are executed flawlessly, and you act as the backbone of your team's defense," (y/n) acknowledged, her tone filled with genuine appreciation.

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