Chapter 138: The Night Before

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The day to embark on their highly anticipated tournament arrived with an unexpected haste, catching (y/n) off guard. The morning air was crisp as she hastily gathered her belongings, a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation fluttering in her chest. The soft glow of dawn kissed the edges of the sky, creating a serene backdrop for the bustling activity that unfolded within (y/n)'s modest abode.

As she darted around her room, carefully selecting her volleyball gear and ensuring nothing crucial was left behind, the melodic jingling of a dog collar reached her ears. Kenta, her loyal canine companion, lay sprawled out on the comfort of her bed, groggily observing her preparations. A playful glint lingered in his eyes, a testament to the shared enthusiasm for the day's journey.

Their journey towards the living room was punctuated by the soft padding of Kenta's paws against the hardwood floor, a rhythmic symphony accompanying their every step. The living room, adorned with volleyball paraphernalia and memories of countless practice sessions, welcomed them into its familiar embrace. Keishin, the stalwart coach, stood by the doorway, his eyes scanning the room for the team members assembling for the impending departure.

As (y/n) and Kenta approached, Keishin turned towards them with a knowing grin. "Ready for the big day, Jinx?" he inquired, a mixture of pride and encouragement lacing his words.

Nodding in affirmation, (y/n) replied, "Absolutely, Nii-chan. Kenta and I are all set for the journey. Let's make it a memorable tournament!"

The trio made their way to the school grounds, the rising sun casting long shadows as if bidding the team farewell on their quest for victory. The air buzzed with a palpable energy, a blend of excitement and determination that fueled the team's collective spirit. The school grounds, usually serene in the early hours, now teemed with animated conversations as teammates exchanged pre-tournament banter and well-wishes.

With a fond smile, (y/n) gently scooped up the drowsy pup, nestling him snugly within the confines of her favorite jacket. The warmth emanating from the garment served a dual purpose – not only to shield Kenta from the early morning chill but also to provide a comforting cocoon for the devoted furry friend.

With Kenta comfortably settled in her arms, (y/n) found herself amidst a sea of camaraderie, the anticipation of the challenges ahead weaving through the air. As they waited for the rest of the team to gather, conversations ebbed and flowed, a chorus of laughter and shared anecdotes setting the stage for the thrilling journey that lay ahead.

The rhythmic hum of the bus engine served as the overture to a journey filled with anticipation, camaraderie, and a dash of chaos. As each member of the team arrived, the vibrant energy of the upcoming tournament permeated the air. The boys, as predictable as ever, engaged in a lively debate over the coveted seat next to (y/n).

"Hey, (y/n)-san, you know I'm the lucky charm. Sitting next to me practically guarantees a win," Tanaka declared with a boisterous grin, elbowing Hinata out of the way.

Hinata, undeterred, shot back, "But I've got the energy! I'm practically a human lightning bolt. No one can resist my good vibes!"

Nishinoya, ever the dramatic libero, leaped into the conversation, "Guys, guys! Picture this: (y/n)-san sandwiched between the power of Tanaka and the speed of Hinata. Unstoppable, right?"

Amidst the banter, Tsukishima chimed in with his characteristic dry humor, "Don't forget you're also squeezing out any chance of personal space for her."

Kageyama, not one for subtlety, asserted, "She should sit next to me. I've got the best view of the game strategy."

Meanwhile, (y/n) observed the spectacle with a mixture of amusement and exasperation. "You guys never change, do you?" she chuckled, earning a sheepish grin from Tanaka and a defiant pout from Hinata.

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