Chapter 69: Motivation

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With sharp, (e/c) eyes, (y/n) observed the practice match intently, capturing every move the Karasuno boys made in her mental notes. Her focus and intensity were palpable, sending a shiver down Yachi's spine as she glanced over at her.

"Is she always like this during practice?" Yachi whispered, a hint of fear in her voice.

Kiyoko reassured her with a soft smile. "Oh, yes. (Y/n)-san is incredibly passionate about volleyball. You should see her during an actual match. It's quite impressive."

Yachi nodded, her eyes still fixed on (y/n). "It's admirable how dedicated she is. Her love for the sport shines through her every move."

Kiyoko chuckled softly. "Yes, she grew up playing volleyball, and it's a significant part of who she is. I agree, she looks cute when she's focused like this."

Unaware of the conversation surrounding her, (y/n) remained immersed in analyzing the game unfolding before her eyes. The team's progress was evident, but she couldn't shake off the concern that lingered within her.

"They're developing their individual skills, there's no doubt about it," (y/n) mused to herself. "But they need to find a way to connect it all together, to synchronize their efforts and communicate effectively."

While (y/n) was engrossed in her thoughts, her attention was suddenly drawn to the conversation between her brother and Takeda. Their discussion centered around Tsukishima and his apparent lack of progress.

Her brows furrowed in frustration as she listened in. "You dumb, lazy String Bean," (y/n) muttered under her breath, her voice laced with a mix of exasperation and concern. "Just put some effort in, come on!"

Growling softly under her breath, (y/n) tightened her fists, feeling a surge of determination coursing through her veins. She couldn't let Tsukishima continue on his path of complacency any longer. As soon as the practice ended, she would find a way to confront him, to push him beyond his limits and ignite the fire within him.

But for now, she needed to refocus her attention on the remaining moments of the practice match. With her sharp eyes and keen understanding of the game, (y/n) analyzed each player's strengths, weaknesses, strategies, and tactics. Every detail mattered to her, as she was determined to ensure that the team reached its full potential.

As the intensity of the match heightened, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a surge of pride when Asahi made a connecting move. The third-year player claimed the ball with determination, showcasing his growth and proving himself as the ace of the team. Her voice filled with genuine admiration, she exclaimed, "He's truly proven himself as the ace! Well done, Asahi-senpai!"

Keishin, who had been observing the match from the sidelines, nodded in agreement. A smirk graced his face as he turned to (y/n). "Jinx, I want you to focus on Tsukishima for me," he said, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and determination. "Observe his every move, compare it to the others. If he's truly improving, he should be at a similar level in terms of stamina and overall performance."

(y/n) nodded affirmatively, fully understanding the importance of the task at hand. "Got it, Coach," she replied, her voice resolute and determined. "I'll closely monitor Tsukishima's progress and provide you with detailed feedback."

As the match continued, (y/n) devoted her undivided attention to Tsukishima, studying his every move with laser-like focus. She observed his positioning, footwork, timing, and overall energy on the court. With each play, she noted any improvements or areas in need of further development.


Frustration boiled within (y/n), her fists clenched tightly as she hissed in annoyance. After a day of closely observing Tsukishima's performance, it was clear that he was falling behind, lacking the drive and motivation needed to push himself further. The question echoed in her mind, 'Why won't he take interest in his own growth?'

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