Chapter 45: To Tokyo Again

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As (y/n) disembarked from the train, a sense of relief washed over her. The weight of the exams had been lifted, and now she could finally savor the feeling of freedom. With a contented sigh, she stretched her limbs, relishing the satisfying cracks and pops that reverberated through her body. It was a small, but welcomed release after hours of sitting in cramped exam halls.

As she navigated through the bustling Tokyo station, (y/n) reached into her bag to retrieve her phone. With nimble fingers, she unlocked the screen and composed a quick message to the Karasuno boys. The familiar tap-tap of her thumbs on the screen echoed in the busy terminal as she typed, letting them know that she had arrived safely back in Tokyo.

With a sense of eagerness, (y/n) gathered her belongings and gracefully stepped off the train, her eyes scanning the bustling platform. Kenta, sensing the change in surroundings, eagerly tugged at his leash, urging (y/n) to let him explore and stretch his legs for a few minutes. She acquiesced, allowing the spirited pup to dart around in joyful abandon.

It was then that (y/n) heard the distinctive sound of Kenta's excited yipping, followed by a familiar laughter that warmed her heart. Turning her head, she quickly located the source of the commotion. There sat Inuoka on the ground, his arms wrapped around Kenta, their bond apparent in the way the pup nuzzled into him, tail wagging furiously.

As (y/n) approached, her steps quickening with each passing second, she couldn't help but feel a surge of joy. Behind Inuoka, she spotted four more figures, their faces alight with delight as they showered Kenta with affection. It was a heartwarming sight that made her heart swell with love for her friends. With uncontainable excitement, (y/n) rushed towards the group, enveloping each of the five boys in a warm, heartfelt hug.

Her voice filled with genuine happiness, (y/n) exclaimed, "It's so good to see you all again! How have you been?"

"We've been good. Finally finished exams. And you? You haven't been working too hard, have you?" Yaku fretted, his concern evident as he scanned (y/n)'s appearance.

Chuckling, (y/n) dismissed Yaku's worries, assuring him that she was fine.

"Whoa! Kenta, you've grown!" Inuoka exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with pride as he rolled around with the energetic pup. "Look at you, all big and strong and healthy!"

Yamamoto playfully ruffled (y/n)'s hair, and they exchanged menacing faces before bursting into laughter. Kenma, though his greeting was quiet as usual, seemed less reserved than before and offered (y/n) a sweet smile. And then there was Kuroo, the mischievous captain, who couldn't resist teasing.

"Well, hello, Kitten," Kuroo greeted, his arm casually draped over (y/n)'s shoulders as he pulled her closer, savoring the small reaction he elicited. "Did you miss me?"

"She already said she missed us," Yaku interjected, his voice laced with a hint of annoyance. "Don't be weird, Kuroo. We should get back so (y/n)-san can meet the other teams."

"Fine, fine," Kuroo agreed, relinquishing his hold on (y/n). "Oh yeah, there's someone I'd like you to meet."

Curiosity piqued, (y/n) followed Kuroo as he led her towards an unfamiliar figure.

"This is the new first year I was telling you about," Kuroo explained. "Haiba Lev, you can just call him Lev."

"Eh? Who's this?" Lev asked, his towering presence causing (y/n) to tilt her head back to meet his gaze. "You guys didn't tell me you knew a pretty girl. I thought we were picking up a coach?"

"She's the coach," Inuoka chimed in. "This is Ukai (y/n). She's a national-level libero and the assistant coach of Karasuno."

"Eh?" Lev looked even more confused. "But you're a first year like me?"

"Haha, yeah," (y/n) laughed, finding amusement in Lev's bewilderment. "I've been playing volleyball since I can remember, so I've got plenty of experience."

"Not to mention," Kenma finally spoke up, his eyes glancing at Lev, "she can actually receive the ball perfectly, unlike you."

(Y/n) couldn't help but giggle as Lev playfully whined at his teammates, who were making light jabs at his abilities. The sound of her laughter caught Lev's attention, and a faint blush tinged his cheeks.

'She's pretty, and it sounds like she's really strong,' Lev thought to himself, momentarily captivated by (y/n)'s presence. His musings were abruptly interrupted when Yaku smacked him on the back, glaring at him for staring.

"We should head out since we're going to Fukurodani Academy," Kenma suggested, walking over to (y/n) and pointing towards a nearby bus station.

Excited for the upcoming adventure, (y/n) nodded in agreement, her heart filled with anticipation for the journey ahead. As the group made their way towards the bus, laughter and friendly banter filled the air, setting the tone for a memorable reunion and an exciting future.

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