Chapter 9: Homework Made Easy

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(Y/n)'s first day of school had come to an end, the bustling hallways gradually emptying as students dispersed to their various activities. As the noise subsided, (y/n) found herself craving a moment of solitude, a chance to catch her breath and reflect on the day's events.

She navigated through the remaining clusters of friends, the laughter and excited chatter fading into the background. Determined to find a peaceful spot, she made her way outside, eager to bask in the tranquility of the late afternoon. The sun cast a warm golden glow over the campus, its rays gently embracing (y/n) as she stepped into the outdoor haven.

A soft breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it a faint scent of blooming flowers. (Y/n) took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the crisp air, and felt her tense muscles begin to relax. With a grateful sigh, she spotted an inviting bench nestled beneath a sprawling cherry blossom tree. It seemed to beckon her, promising a moment of respite from the hectic school day.

She quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing in the stillness. As she reached the bench, she lowered herself onto its weathered wooden surface, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. The bench offered a comforting stability amidst the ebb and flow of school life, and (y/n) welcomed its embrace.

Leaning back against the cool backrest, (y/n) closed her eyes, allowing the serenity of the surroundings to envelop her. The gentle swaying of the cherry blossom branches above her created a soothing rhythm, like nature's lullaby. With each passing moment, the worries and pressures of the day melted away, replaced by a quiet sense of calm.

Lost in her thoughts, (y/n) reflected on the interactions she had experienced throughout the day. From her playful banter with Tsukishima to the camaraderie shared with Yamaguchi and the pleasant chat with Yachi during lunch, she realized that she was slowly weaving herself into the fabric of Karasuno High School.

However, (y/n)'s state of calmness didn't last long as two figures made their way towards her, their presence impossible to ignore. The boisterous calls and bright orange hair coming from her left made it clear who one of them was.

'Ah, that's Hinata,' (y/n) thought with a smile. 'And the other one must be Kageyama... Yep, he just smacked Hinata, so it's definitely him.'

Chuckling to herself, (y/n) sat up, her gaze fixated on the approaching duo. As Hinata bounded over, his energy practically radiating from every pore, (y/n)'s eyes sparkled with amusement and anticipation.

"Hey! What's up?" (Y/n)'s voice chimed happily, a warm welcome extended to her volleyball teammates.

Kageyama, on the other hand, found himself becoming a delightful shade of red. He averted his gaze, mumbling something unintelligible to himself. Clearly flustered by the friendly encounter, he excused himself hastily, muttering about needing to buy some milk.

Amused by Kageyama's reaction, (y/n) couldn't help but chuckle softly. 'Well, that was interesting. Looks like Kageyama can't handle the friendly banter.'

Now, that left her with the ever-energetic Hinata, (y/n) turned her full attention to him. She found herself drawn to his infectious enthusiasm and genuine curiosity.

"How was your first day of class, (y/n)-san?" Hinata asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

A bright smile adorned (y/n)'s face as she responded, "It was pretty good! Tsukishima was a little annoying, but oh well. I managed to survive."

At the mention of the tall blonde, Hinata's expression shifted into a scowl, his brows furrowing in a mixture of annoyance and protectiveness. He clenched his fists and growled cutely, assuring (y/n) not to worry about the "scary tall jerk."

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