Chapter 75: Seeking Shelter

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On (y/n)'s way home, the rain continued to pour heavily, making it difficult to see ahead. Seeking shelter, she hurriedly made her way to a nearby bus stop, the sound of raindrops echoing around her. Taking a seat on the bench, she let out a sigh of relief, grateful to be out of the downpour. Kenta nestled on her lap, his little whines indicating his discomfort with the wet weather.

To her surprise, two familiar figures joined her under the roof of the bus stop, seeking refuge from the rain as well. (Y/n) turned her head toward the voices and instantly recognized the uniforms—Date Tech.

"Guess you two didn't check the weather either," (y/n) remarked with a playful smile, capturing their attention.

Futakuchi, ever the troublemaker, smirked and commented, "Ah, Karasuno's cute assistant manager. Seems like my lucky day."

(Y/n) gave him a deadpan look. "And who are you again?" she quipped.

Futakuchi choked on his words, taken aback by her response. Aone, standing beside him, let out a small chuckle, his quiet amusement contrasting with Futakuchi's surprise.

"Did you just laugh at me, Aone?" Futakuchi exclaimed, his astonishment evident.

(Y/n) took the opportunity to greet Aone with a polite bow. "Nice to see you again, Aone-senpai," she greeted him warmly.

Aone returned the gesture with a nod, appreciating her respectful demeanor.

"Why does he get a greeting and I don't?" Futakuchi whined, sporting a pout on his face.

"Probably because I don't like you," (y/n) deadpanned, meeting Futakuchi's protest with a blank expression.

"What?" Futakuchi feigned shock. "Why don't you like me? I'm a nice person!"

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, reminding him of their past match. "Did you forget about our last match? The one where we beat you."

Futakuchi smirked, dismissing her comment. "Nope, doesn't ring a bell."

"Don't try to mess with my team," she warned, her tone firm. "I won't forget or forgive you for trying to upset our ace."

"Oh, come on, that's all in the past," Futakuchi laughed, brushing off her concerns. "Let's be friends now!"

(Y/n) crossed her arms, unimpressed. "And why should I?" she questioned.

Futakuchi's mischievous eyes gleamed with mischief. "Because I might tell a friend about our newest addition," he hinted.

Intrigued, (y/n) couldn't help but become curious. "Newest addition?" she inquired. "You have a new member?"

"Our third years quit, so the team had to change," Futakuchi explained. "I am now the team captain, in case you were wondering."

(Y/n) smirked playfully. "And how is that a good thing?" she teased.

Aone's chuckle resonated through the air, surprising both (y/n) and Futakuchi.

"I wasn't expecting that," (y/n) chuckled, feeling her cheeks flush slightly.

"Neither was I," Aone admitted with a gentle smile. "Well, since we'll probably be stuck here together for a while, we might as well get along, right?"

"Guess so," (y/n) mumbled, her voice tinged with amusement. "So, about this new addition..."

Futakuchi raised a finger, wagging it teasingly. "Tu-tu-tu," he clicked his tongue. "No spoilers."

"But you said you would tell a friend about it!" (y/n) exclaimed, feigning disappointment.

"Oh? So we're friends now?" Futakuchi questioned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Then, why don't you give me your number, friend?"

(Y/n) let out an exasperated sigh but couldn't help but find his persistence amusing. "Fine," she conceded. "But if you send me anything weird, I'm blocking you."

Futakuchi grinned triumphantly, pulling out his phone and handing it to (y/n). She swiftly added her number, sealing their newfound acquaintance. Meanwhile, Aone, observing the exchange quietly, held out his own phone, his cheeks dusted with a light blush.

"I want to be friends too," he whispered softly.

(Y/n)'s smile widened, finding his shy demeanor incredibly endearing. She nodded eagerly, accepting his unspoken invitation, and quickly added her number into his phone.

"Feel free to message me anytime!" (y/n) beamed, returning his phone with a sense of excitement.

Aone nodded, a small smile gracing his lips.

Futakuchi, feeling left out, interjected, "Where was that enthusiasm when I asked?"

(Y/n) smirked mischievously. "Jealous much?" she taunted.

"Yes, very jealous. Give me attention," Futakuchi huffed, rolling his eyes at her comment.

"Hmm, nope," (y/n) retorted, turning her attention back to Aone. "So, Aone-senpai, have you been training hard?"

Aone nodded, his gaze meeting hers in silent affirmation.

"Good! I can't wait to see how much you've grown!" (y/n) exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I'm looking forward to another match against your team!"

Aone nodded once more, a soft smile playing on his lips. He found (y/n)'s enthusiasm and passion for the game infectious.

Meanwhile, Kenta, no longer content with his spot on (y/n)'s lap, ventured toward the two Date Tech players. Sniffing at their shoes and pawing at their shins, he sought their attention. Futakuchi, uninterested, paid him no mind. On the other hand, Aone knelt down, extending a hand to pet the pup. Kenta responded with wet kisses, showing his affection for the quiet middle blocker.

'They look so cute together,' (Y/n) couldn't help but squeal in delight at the sight of them bonding.

As the rain began to subside and the sky cleared, (y/n) bid farewell to the Date Tech players, gratitude in her heart for their unexpected encounter. With a content smile, she resumed her journey back home, eagerly looking forward to the next time they would meet on the volleyball court.

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