Chapter 117: Tokyo Representatives Selection

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The anticipation in the air was palpable as the Tokyo teams battled fiercely for the coveted spots at Nationals. (Y/n) found herself constantly checking her phone for updates on the qualifier matches, the suspense growing with each passing moment.

Word had already reached her that Nekoma and Fukurodani had navigated their way to the final rounds. Alongside them, Itachiyama and Nohebi stood as formidable contenders.

The unique format of these matches, where two teams would be selected to go to Nationals, added an extra layer of complexity. Even if Nekoma and Fukurodani faced off in the first match, there lingered a hopeful possibility that both could emerge victorious and join Karasuno on the national stage. (Y/n) clung to this hope, yearning for a scenario where her favored outcome materialized.

Amid the intensity of their training regimen, (Y/n) keenly observed a subtle restlessness in Hinata. Recognizing the unease that seemed to grip him, she decided to engage in a conversation, choosing to gently inquire about his thoughts on the upcoming Tokyo Qualifiers.

Leaning against the gymnasium wall, (Y/n) asked, "Hinata, you seem a bit on edge. Everything alright?"

Hinata, momentarily taken aback by the attention, nodded and admitted, "Yeah, just thinking about the qualifiers, you know? Wondering how Nekoma and Fukurodani are doing."

Nishinoya, who had overheard the conversation while perfecting his receives, bounced over with a lively grin. "Ah, the Tokyo Qualifiers! It's like a battlefield out there for sure. You remember Yaku from Nekoma? That guy's a beast in defense! They got nothing to worry about!"

Hinata's eyes lit up, "Yeah! The way he digs those spikes is amazing!"

(Y/n), appreciating the camaraderie, joined in. "Absolutely. A skilled libero can really be a game-changer. Yaku-senpai brings such finesse to Nekoma's defense. It's inspiring to watch."

The trio found themselves caught up in a lively discussion about the intricacies of defensive plays, sharing insights and stories about notable liberos they admired. As the conversation continued, the gymnasium echoed with the sounds of bouncing balls and the animated chatter of the Karasuno players, momentarily forgetting their own drills as they became absorbed in the broader world of high-stakes volleyball.

The gymnasium buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous energy as the Tokyo teams battled for their chance at Nationals, and Karasuno, despite their own intense preparations, couldn't help but be aware of the unfolding drama in the wider volleyball scene.

After what felt like an eternity, she finally recieved a video call invite from Inuoka, which she instantly accepted.

As the video call connected, (y/n) found herself face-to-face with the tired but determined members of Nekoma, led by Inuoka. The collective weariness on their faces spoke of a hard-fought battle against Fukurodani, and the somber atmosphere hinted at the Owls emerging victorious.

Inuoka, ever the embodiment of Nekoma's spirit, greeted her with a tired yet warm smile. "Hey, (Y/n)-san! Sorry it took a while. It's been a tough match."

(Y/n) nodded understandingly. "No worries. How did it go?"

Kenma, with his characteristic nonchalant expression, chimed in. "It was tough, but we tried some new strategies, and it worked against Fukurodani. I think we have a shot at beating them next time."

Listening to Kenma's analysis, (y/n) couldn't help but agree. "Impressive stuff. You really had a strategy in place."

The conversation flowed, and (y/n) shared words of pride and encouragement. "You fought hard out there. I'm proud of all of you. Good luck against Nohebi. I'll be cheering for you."

Yamamoto then animatedly shared a story about his younger sister, Akane, who passionately supported Nekoma throughout the match. (Y/n) expressed her eagerness to meet the spirited supporter someday. Lev also mentioned his older sister's presence, and (y/n) was genuinely pleased to learn about the strong support system the Nekoma players had.

In a burst of energy, Bokuto hijacked the phone, his excitement contagious. "(Y/n)-san! You should've seen my amazing cross-shot! I'm gonna do even crazier stuff in the next match! Just you wait!"

(Y/n), matching his enthusiasm, congratulated the ace on his performance. "I'm sure you were amazing, Bokuto-senpai! Keep that energy for the next match. Show them what you've got!"

Akaashi, with his calm demeanor, expressed gratitude for (y/n)'s words of support. (Y/n), despite herself, blushed at the sincerity in his thanks.

As the conversation continued during this brief break, Kuroo, the strategic mind, sought advice from (y/n) on dealing with a team that played in a sneaky manner. (Y/n) shared her insights, and the exchange of ideas demonstrated the bond between them.

As the call drew to a close, and the boys prepared for their next matches, (y/n) bid them farewell. The mixture of excitement, pride, and a touch of anxiety lingered within her. The desire for Nekoma to join Karasuno at Nationals intensified, and the prospect of the Battle at the Garbage Dump fueled her anticipation.

The atmosphere in the Karasuno gymnasium was charged with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The Tokyo Qualifiers had reached a critical point, and (y/n)'s attention wavered between the ongoing Karasuno practice and the impending news from Nekoma.

Finally, the much-awaited call came, and the faces of her Nekoma friends appeared on the screen, wearing expressions that spoke of triumph. (Y/n) couldn't contain her relief and joy; Nekoma had secured their spot at Nationals.

Amid laughter and animated recounts of the match, (y/n) listened to the tales of Nekoma handling the underhanded tactics of their opponents. She couldn't help but chuckle, offering sincere compliments for the resilience and adaptability displayed by her friends in the face of such challenges.

As the conversation turned to Yaku's injury, a hushed concern settled over the video call. (Y/n), perceptive as ever, couldn't ignore the shift in Yaku's expression. The revelation of his injury momentarily subdued the celebratory atmosphere.

"Yaku-senpai, are you sure you're okay?" (y/n) inquired with genuine concern, her voice reflecting the worry etched on her face.

Yaku, displaying his trademark resilience, attempted to downplay the seriousness of the injury. "It's nothing serious, really. I'll be back on my feet in no time," he reassured, a small, reassuring smile accompanying his words.

The discussion then shifted to Shibayama stepping in during the match. (Y/n), quick to appreciate talent and effort, directed her praise toward the young libero. "Shibayama-kun, you did an incredible job out there. Filling in for Yaku-san seamlessly is no small feat. You've got the makings of an excellent libero, and I have no doubt you'll shine brightly in the future."

Shibayama, bashful but clearly touched by the compliment, managed a shy "Thank you." The exchange highlighted the camaraderie among the Nekoma team, the acknowledgment of each other's strengths and the unwavering support they shared.

In the midst of these conversations, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a deep connection to this resilient group of friends. Their triumphs, their setbacks—they shared it all, reinforcing the bonds that extended far beyond the confines of the volleyball court.

The conversation continued as the Nekoma team made their way to the stands, eyes fixed on the ongoing match between Fukurodani and Ichiyama. The tension in the gymnasium heightened as both teams were tied with one set each, and Ichiyama was at match point, leading 22-24.

In a climactic moment, Ichiyama's ace, Sakusa, slammed a decisive spike, securing victory. The announcement followed: Ichiyama as Tokyo's first representative, Fukurodani as the second, and Nekoma as the venue sponsor representative.

Bokuto, visibly upset about Fukurodani's loss, found solace in Akaashi's comforting words. The Nekoma team called out to (y/n), their spirits lifted by the knowledge that they would join Karasuno at Nationals.

A wave of happiness swept through Bokuto, and even Akaashi's initially annoyed expression softened. (Y/n) relayed the news to the Karasuno boys, and the gymnasium erupted in a chorus of congratulations. The realization sank in—they were ready to face each other on the national stage, the Battle at the Garbage Dump looming ahead.

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