Chapter 146: Spring Tournament - End of Day 1

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As today's matches concluded, (y/n) found herself amidst the bustling crowd exiting the gymnasium alongside her Karasuno teammates. Amidst the chatter and jubilation of victory, a familiar voice cut through the noise, drawing her attention.

"Oi yoi yoi, if it ain't the bumpkin crows!" The boisterous voice belonged to none other than the captain of the Nekoma team, their red uniforms a stark contrast to Karasuno's black and orange.

With a grin, (y/n) turned to face the approaching Nekoma players, her eyes immediately locking onto the figure of Nekomata trailing behind his team. seizing the opportunity for some friendly banter, she called out to the elder coach, her tone playful yet teasing.

"Well, well, Grandpa Neko, I must say, I'm surprised to see you struggling with the tensions of a national-level match," she remarked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Nekomata chuckled in response, a twinkle of amusement in his own eyes as he retorted, "Ah, you youngsters always quick to jest. But don't underestimate the old fox just yet, Spitfire!"

Their playful back-and-forth continued for a few more moments until Keishin intervened, dragging (y/n) away with a good-natured roll of his eyes.

As they bid farewell to the Nekoma team, the Karasuno players made their way towards their hotel, the excitement of the day's victories still lingering in the air. However, their mood shifted slightly upon arrival as they noticed the neighboring hotel, which housed the Niiyama Girls' team. The luxurious exterior spoke volumes about the stark difference in budget between the two teams, prompting whispers and murmurs among the Karasuno players.

Inside the hotel, the Karasuno team gathered for another crucial meeting, their minds already shifting towards the challenges of their next match. As they settled into their seats, Coach Ukai's voice filled the room, his tone serious and focused as he outlined their upcoming opponent's strengths and weaknesses.

Nods of understanding rippled through the group as they absorbed the information, each player mentally preparing themselves for the battle ahead. Ideas and strategies were exchanged, debates arose, and plans were meticulously crafted, the room alive with the energy of anticipation and determination.

Finally, as the meeting drew to a close, (y/n) retreated to her room alongside Kiyoko and Yachi. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on their shoulders, there was a sense of camaraderie and solidarity among the trio as they prepared for bed.

As Kiyoko settled into her bed, exhaustion claiming her almost instantly, (y/n) felt a restless energy coursing through her veins. She knew sleep would elude her, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of the day's events and the challenges yet to come.

With a quiet determination, (y/n) slipped out of the room, craving the solace of the night air to clear her head. The hallway was dimly lit, the soft glow of the lamps casting shadows on the walls as she made her way towards the exit.

As (y/n) stepped outside, relishing the cool night air against her skin, little did she expect to be met with a collision that would send her tumbling to the ground. Tanaka, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, crashed into her, their bodies entwining in an all-too-familiar manner. With a sense of déjà vu washing over her, (y/n) couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation.

Tanaka, looking thoroughly flustered and tongue-tied, struggled to find his words amidst the chaos of their unexpected encounter. Sensing his discomfort, (y/n) couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement, prompting her to inquire about his peculiar behavior.

As they both sat on the ground, (y/n) listened intently as Tanaka unraveled the comical tale of mistaken intentions, courtesy of Ennoshita's mischievous meddling. His embarrassment was palpable as he recounted the moment he mistook Amanai Kanoka's intentions, only to realize too late that she was already taken.

Despite her efforts to stifle her laughter, (y/n) found herself overcome with amusement at Tanaka's misfortune. Through fits of giggles, she attempted to console him, offering words of reassurance and attempting to lighten the mood with playful banter.

"You know, Tanaka-senpai, maybe it's not such a bad thing. Perhaps that guy was just her cousin or something," she suggested between bursts of laughter, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

However, as she glanced at Tanaka's flushed face, a sudden realization dawned on her. There was something more beneath his embarrassment, something he wasn't saying. Curiosity piqued, (y/n) couldn't help but wonder why Tanaka had been so quick to reject Amanai Kanoka, a girl who, in her opinion, seemed perfectly nice and pretty.

Before she could voice her thoughts, Tanaka's sudden bolt of embarrassment caught her off guard. With a hurried farewell, he darted away into the night, leaving (y/n) alone with her swirling thoughts and unanswered questions.

Feeling a mix of confusion and amusement, (y/n) took a moment to collect herself before deciding to head back inside. As she made her way to her room, the events of the day replayed in her mind, each moment tinged with a hint of intrigue and laughter.

With a contented sigh, (y/n) finally settled into bed, the excitement and confusion of the day fading into the background as sleep claimed her. Tomorrow would bring its own challenges and adventures, but for now, she was content to bask in the warmth of the moment, grateful for the unexpected twists and turns that had made the day so memorable.

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