Chapter 68: Late Night Practice

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After (y/n) finished showering, she decided to make her way down to the gym to observe some of the other team members and take notes on their techniques. Settling down on a bench, she pulled out her notebook and started jotting down her observations. Looking around, she noticed Akaashi and Lev near the net, their focused expressions showing their dedication to improving their skills. Bokuto and Kuroo stood near the door, engaged in a conversation that piqued (y/n)'s curiosity.

Intrigued by their discussion, (y/n) hobbled over to see Kuroo talking to Tsukishima. The tall, dark-haired captain of Nekoma called out to Tsukishima, requesting him to join them and act as a blocker.

"Hey, you there! From Karasuno! With the glasses!" Kuroo called out, his voice echoing through the gym. "Mind coming over here and blocking for us?"

Tsukishima glanced at Kuroo with a hint of annoyance. "Oh, sorry, but I'm done for the day. Good night."

Kuroo was taken aback by Tsukishima's response. He exchanged glances with Bokuto, who let out a whine. "C'mon! Spike practice doesn't do any good if there isn't anyone trying to block! Please?"

"Why me?" Tsukishima questioned, suspicion lacing his voice. "Did Munchkin-san put you up to this or something? Ask someone from your own team."

"Hey! I'm innocent!" (y/n) interjected, defending herself playfully.

"Bokuto-san will practice spiking for forever and a day, so everyone ditches as fast as they can," Akaashi explained, a small smile gracing his lips.

"And I'm busy trying to hammer this one into shape," Kuroo said, gesturing toward Lev.

"I told you I'd be more than happy to block!" Lev managed to mutter between panting, his determination shining through.

"Shut up!" Kuroo replied sharply. "If you want to be a starter for Nekoma, you first gotta be able to actually receive a ball!"

Tsukishima watched the scene unfold with a mix of annoyance and curiosity. Although he initially had no intention of joining their practice, Kuroo's words struck a chord.

"He may not look like it," Kuroo began, gesturing toward Bokuto, "But this guy is one of the top five hitters in the entire nation. He's a good one to practice against."

"Though he's not good enough to be in the top three," Akaashi chimed in, his voice tinged with playful teasing.

"Get over it," Kuroo added with a smirk.

"Don't compliment me if you're just gonna turn it into an insult!" Bokuto whined, his voice filled with mock indignation.

(Y/n) couldn't help but giggle at the playful banter between them. However, it seemed that even their persuasive arguments weren't enough to convince Tsukishima to join in.

"Besides," Kuroo continued, realizing that his words weren't having the desired effect, "If you're gonna call yourself a middle blocker, don't you think you should, I dunno, actually practice blocking?"

That seemed to do the trick. A very annoyed-looking Tsukishima reluctantly walked into the gymnasium, ready to prove himself.

'Way to provoke Kuroo-senpai. String Bean will actually do some extra practice for once,' (y/n) thought with a chuckle.

Tsukishima struggled to block Bokuto's powerful spikes. While he was able to read the ace's intentions, he lacked the power to stop the relentless onslaught. Nevertheless, he persevered, determined to improve his skills. (Y/n) continued to watch with a mix of shock and admiration, impressed by Tsukishima's dedication.

As the practice session continued, Kuroo joined in, offering guidance and support. Together, they managed to stop Bokuto's spikes, demonstrating the power of teamwork and determination.

All seemed to be going well until (y/n) saw Tsukishima smile in a fake manner and laugh at Kuroo. A heavy sigh left her lips as (y/n) watched the tall blonde make his exit whilst Inuoka, Yaku and Fukunaga made their way into the gymnasium.

Grumbling about how her opportunity to observe Tsukishima had been interrupted, (y/n) returned her focus to analyzing their techniques. However, her concentration was short-lived as Kuroo approached her.

"Hey Kitten, sorry about that," he started, his voice laced with a hint of remorse. "I think I upset the guy."

"No, no, it's fine, really," (y/n) reassured him, patting him on the back to alleviate his guilt. "That's just how he is. But if you don't mind me asking, what did you say? Was it about Hinata? That's a touchy subject."

Kuroo mumbled, slightly ashamed, and (y/n) chuckled at his deadpan expression. She continued to pat him on the back, providing a comforting presence.

"Well, I'm going to practice some more," Kuroo said as he started to walk away. "But I'm walking you back to your room later, Kitten~"

"Fine," (y/n) deadpanned, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Yay~" Kuroo mockingly cheered, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.


Later in the evening, Kuroo found himself giving (y/n) a piggyback ride, his tall frame towering over her as they made their way back to her room.

"How the hell did I end up giving you a piggyback?" the tall teen questioned, a mix of amusement and exasperation evident in his voice.

"I'm lazy and injured," (y/n) clarified with a teasing smile.

"You just want to get closer to me, don't you, Kitte-Gah!" Kuroo exclaimed, stumbling slightly.

(Y/n) let out a screech of horror as Kuroo's tall body collapsed to the ground, causing her to tumble along with him. Grunting in discomfort, she tried to orient herself, only to realize that she was straddling Kuroo. Her eyebrows raised in surprise as she looked at him with curiosity, and it dawned on her that their position might be misconstrued.

"Oh ho ho~" Kuroo laughed, his voice tinged with amusement. "Could it be that this was your plan all along?"

"What?!" (y/n) exclaimed, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "N-no!"

Pouting playfully, the third-year rolled away from (y/n) and forced himself to sit up. His dark eyes studied her, a sly grin playing on his lips. He shuffled closer, his dirt-covered body now at a closer proximity to hers, and pointed to his lips with a slight pucker.

"My lip is bleeding, see?" he started, his tone laced with mischief. "You should kiss it better~"

"...You're covered in mud, so I'm gonna go with a no," (y/n) deadpanned, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

"So, if I wasn't covered in mud?" Kuroo questioned, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"I'm leaving now, good night," (y/n) said, shaking her head in mock exasperation as she turned and walked away, making her way back to her room.

"That wasn't a no, Kitten~!" Kuroo shouted after her, his voice filled with playful teasing and a hint of longing.

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