Chapter 49: The Boys R Back

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It had been a few days since (y/n) arrived in Tokyo, and she had been eagerly working with various teams, soaking in the unique playing styles and camaraderie of each group. Currently, she found herself surrounded by her Tokyo friends, patiently waiting to reunite with her beloved crows from Karasuno. Anticipation danced in her eyes as the bus finally came to a halt, and the familiar faces stepped out one by one.

Without a moment's hesitation, (y/n) bolted forward, a wide smile adorning her face as she pulled Tanaka and Nishinoya into a tight hug. Their infectious energy matched her own, and they couldn't help but leap at her with equal enthusiasm. Greetings and hellos filled the air as she exchanged warm embraces and playful greetings with each member of the Karasuno team.

However, her joy quickly turned into concern when she realized that two important players were missing.

"Daichi-senpai," (y/n) called out, capturing the attention of the Karasuno captain. "Where are Hinata and Kageyama?"

Daichi's expression shifted, a mix of guilt and apprehension crossing his features as he began to explain the situation.

"Um, about that..." he trailed off, uncertain of how to convey the news.


"(Y/n)-san?" Daichi cautiously prompted, waiting for her reaction after explaining the circumstances.

A fire burned in (y/n)'s eyes, and anger surged through her veins as she processed the information. The intensity of her emotions was palpable as she exclaimed in a voice filled with fury, "When I get my hands on them, I'm gonna rip them limb from limb and make a volleyball out of their skin! They are so dead!"

The sheer force of her words sent shockwaves through the Karasuno players and even managed to startle Ennoshita, who desperately tried to calm her down, "(Y/n)-san, please calm down!" But the sharp glare (y/n) directed his way made it clear that her anger was not something to be easily tamed.

"Hell no!" she declared, her voice laced with determination.

Unfazed by her strong reaction, Kuroo casually interjected, "Ah, I forgot to tell you guys that Kitten can be pretty intense."

Akaashi, not one to miss details, commented dryly, "Kuroo, intense is an understatement. She's on a rampage."

Bokuto, ever the optimist, chimed in, "It's not that bad, Akaashi. (Y/n)-san just has a passionate side."

Lev, still processing the situation, couldn't help but question, "Is it healthy for her to get this mad?"

Shrugging nonchalantly, Kuroo replied, "No idea, Lev. No idea."

With a sense of responsibility, Kuroo made his way over to the Karasuno team, acknowledging their captain.

"Once you're changed and ready, head straight to the gym," Kuroo instructed. "Everyone else is already there, eagerly waiting to meet Kitten's team."

Daichi nodded in acknowledgment, his discomfort evident at the nickname Kuroo had given (y/n). However, he knew there was no time to dwell on that matter now.

"Got it," Daichi confirmed, a hint of concern in his voice. He knew that (y/n)'s wrath awaited Hinata and Kageyama, and he could only hope that the situation would be resolved without too much chaos.

As the Karasuno team hurried off to change and prepare, (y/n) took a deep breath, attempting to rein in her anger. Although her emotions still simmered beneath the surface, she understood the importance of maintaining composure. With determination in her eyes, she followed the others to the gym, eager to see how her team would interact on the court against the others, but also prepared to confront Hinata and Kageyama once they arrived.

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