Chapter 79: Post-Match Encounter

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The sun had already started to set as the exhilarating matches came to an end. The Karasuno team had emerged victorious, and the players were on cloud nine with their spirits soaring high. Now, it was time to pack up and head back home.

"Let us carry everything!" Tanaka and Nishinoya shouted as (y/n) helped the managers collect everything.

"Everything has already been taken care of." Kyoko told them.

"Hey, you two!" Daichi called out to Tanaka and Nishinoya. "Let's go! The bus is leaving soon!"

The boys exchanged amused glances before hurrying to join the rest of the team. As they prepared to leave, (y/n) took a moment to ensure that nothing was left behind. She had a habit of being meticulous, wanting to make sure everything was in order.

"I'll go and check if nothing was left behind," (y/n) called out to the team.

"(Y/n)-san, it's fine, I can go—" Kiyoko tried to say but (y/n) was already gone.


Back in the stands where the team watched some matches, (y/n) noticed a cutely wrapped bento under one of the seats. 'Hmm, maybe it's from Yachi? She likes cute things like this, I'll take it with me.'

After looking around some more, (y/n) didn't find anything else and figured nothing other than the bento got left behind, so she started to head towards the exit.

"Hey Gorgeous! Gonna give me your number this time?" Someone called out to (y/n).

Turning towards the voice, (y/n) recognized the group from a while ago, they had called out to her back then too. 'How annoying...' She sighed.

"Sorry, have we met before?" (y/n) questioned, a cheeky smirk on her face.

"Definitely, I never forget a face that pretty." The captain of the group stated "You do look hotter without the crutches."

"I miss them at the moment." (y/n) gave him a blank expression "They'd come in handy right now, good for smacking people you know."

"Ah, don't be like that Cutie!" He laughed at her statement "Stop playing hard to get and just give me your number."

"Sorry, I can't." (y/n) shrugged her shoulders.

"Come on, why not?" He got closer to (y/n).

"I don't give my number to people I don't know." (y/n) clarified.

Kenta poked his head out of (y/n)'s bag, curious to see who she was talking to.

"Arf!" He barked to make his presence known.

"Oh? Who's this little guy?" The teen questioned as he scratched Kenta behind his ear.

"This is my dog, Kenta." (y/n) responded.

"Just as cute as his master I see." The blonde send (y/n) a wink along with a cheeky smile "Anyway, I'm Terushima Yuuji, a second year at Johzenji High and the captain of the volleyball club. Nice to meet you."

"Well, that's a bit better, I guess. And Kenta seems to like you..." (y/n) mumbled "I'm Ukai (y/n), just call me (y/n), everyone does it."

"Oh, already on first name bases, so I can have your number now?" He got excited.

"Sorry, I can't." (y/n) shrugged her shoulders again.

"What? Why not? We know each other now!" He whined in reply.

"I only give my number to people I like." (y/n) gave him an innocent smile "And I don't like arrogant, flirty guys."

"Ouch." He laughed again "How about strong volleyball players? Since you're here watching games, I'm sure you like them, right?"

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