Chapter 80: Spying

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School had started again, and the boys were back to their rigorous practice routine. The gymnasium echoed with the sounds of balls being spiked, feet shuffling, and the occasional coach's instruction.

"Okay, guys!" Keishin called out to the team. "From here on out is free practice time!"

With those words, the players scattered across the court, each engrossed in their individual drills. (Y/n) assumed her position at the sidelines, ready to jump in and assist whenever needed.

"Eek?!" Yachi suddenly screeched, her voice piercing through the practice noises, capturing (y/n)'s attention.

Curious, (y/n) turned towards Yachi, who was looking outside the gymnasium with a petrified expression on her face.

"Um...?" Yachi finally spoke up, still visibly startled. "Kageyama-kun? What are you doing dressed like that?"

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow at Yachi's question and decided to take a look for herself, only to burst out in laughter at the sight before her.

"You could tell it was me?!" The usually serious setter questioned, clearly annoyed. "Dammit!!"

"Haha-- You're trying to be sneaky?" (y/n) tried to contain her giggles, finding Kageyama's failed disguise rather amusing. "That won't work."

"O-oh. Was that supposed to be some kind of disguise?" Yachi asked, slightly confused.

"There's a team I think we might face in the qualifiers..." Kageyama began to explain, still wearing a slightly sheepish expression. "... And I really want to observe some of their practices first."

"Oho, I see!" Yachi exclaimed, intrigued by Kageyama's investigative mindset. "You want to take videos of them or something?"

"That's not really allowed..." (y/n) chimed in, knowing the rules regarding scouting opponents. "What team do you want to watch anyway?"

"Aoba Johsai..." Kageyama mumbled in response.

"Ah! Great idea!" (y/n) declared, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "I'm joining you! I want to check them out too, especially after what Kunimi-kun told me about them! But you really should change first..."

Kageyama nodded, realizing that his current attire was drawing too much attention. As he turned to leave, (y/n) couldn't help but smile at the thought of spending some time with him, observing a potential opponent together.

"Um... No matter what school you're going to, if you want to blend in and not be noticed..." Yachi offered her two cents with a hint of shyness, "Wouldn't the best disguise be just a regular tracksuit or other workout clothes?"

Kageyama had a blank look on his face, processing the simple yet correct suggestion Yachi made. He realized that a tracksuit would indeed be more inconspicuous for their covert mission.

"Right... I'll go change," he muttered, feeling slightly embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that himself.

(Y/n) and Yachi exchanged a knowing smile. Kageyama's straightforward and earnest nature often led him to overlook some practical aspects. But that was part of what made him endearing to his friends.

As Kageyama disappeared into the changing room, Yachi turned to (y/n) with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. "So, what's this about Aoba Johsai and Kunimi-kun?"

"Oh, it's nothing serious," (y/n) replied, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. "Just some friendly conversation about volleyball, you know?"

Yachi nodded, accepting the explanation. She had a feeling there was more to the story, but she respected (y/n)'s privacy.


As Kageyama went to get changed, (y/n) turned to her brother, looking a little concerned. "While I'm gone, can you watch Kenta for me, please? I don't want him getting upset at Kageyama again..."

Tanaka shook his head apologetically. "No can do, Jinx. I have to help these guys get their synchro-attack right."

"Alright, fine..." (y/n) sighed, realizing she would have to handle the situation herself. "Guess I'll have to convince Kenta that Kageyama isn't so bad..."


(Y/n) walked alongside Kageyama, holding his hand gently as Kenta stayed close to her feet. Noticing a secluded bench a little further ahead, (y/n) decided it was the perfect opportunity to further improve Kenta's opinion of Kageyama.

"Let's go sit over there for a bit," (y/n) suggested, excitement dancing in her eyes as she led Kageyama towards the bench.

"Wha--" Kageyama blurted out as (y/n) playfully dragged him along, surprised by her sudden enthusiasm. "Why...?"

"I don't want Kenta to be afraid of you anymore," (y/n) explained as they settled on the bench. She patted the space next to her, motioning for Kageyama to sit down as well. As he did so, (y/n) scooped Kenta into her lap, receiving wet kisses in return.

With a determined expression, (y/n) began her little plan to help Kenta warm up to Kageyama. "Alright, first, don't look at him," she advised.

"Why not?" Kageyama questioned, genuinely curious. "He'll think I don't like him..."

"Eye contact can seem very threatening for a dog," (y/n) clarified. "Here, take this treat. When he notices you have it, drop it in between us, but closer to you than it is to me."

Kageyama nodded, intrigued by the idea. He took the treat, and Kenta's ears perked up at the sound. The adorable canine turned his attention to Kageyama, carefully watching his movements as he placed the treat on the bench.

Kenta slowly crawled off (y/n)'s lap and grabbed the treat, visibly more at ease this time. He returned to his comfy spot on (y/n)'s lap, giving Kageyama an approving glance.

"That was great!" (y/n) beamed up at Kageyama. "He got closer to you, didn't he?"

"Uh, I guess so?" Kageyama blushed slightly, feeling a sense of accomplishment at making progress with Kenta.

"Treats are a great way to train dogs," (y/n) explained. "They're great motivation, so we'll use it to motivate him to get closer to you. When he gets closer, he'll realize you're a nice guy!"

"O-oh, I see," Kageyama mumbled, feeling a mix of pride and embarrassment at (y/n)'s compliment.

"Time for the next step!" (y/n) said cheerfully, handing Kageyama another treat. "Keep the treat in your hand as you hold it still on the bench. Let him eat it out of your hand."

Kageyama followed her instructions once again, and Kenta confidently went over to eat the treat from his hand. This time, Kenta stayed in his spot and curiously looked up at Kageyama.

"Now, try to gently pet him on his back, not his head. He'll feel more comfortable that way," (y/n) suggested, encouragingly. "As you pet him, glance at him a few times, but don't stare. Go ahead! Give it a try!"

For the first time, Kenta allowed Kageyama to pet him without any hesitation. The boy looked up at (y/n) in surprise before slowly and softly glancing back at Kenta, making sure not to overdo it.

"I can't believe that worked!" Kageyama exclaimed with genuine surprise.

"Thank Google for it," (y/n) chuckled, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I looked up how to make a dog no longer afraid of you. Worked pretty well, I'd say."

"Yeah..." Kageyama responded, his lips curving into a gentle smile as he continued to stroke Kenta's back.

"Guess not all animals are afraid of you now," (y/n) teased, her heart fluttering at the sight of Kageyama's rare, sweet smile.

"Thank you, (y/n)-san," Kageyama said earnestly, his usually stoic demeanor softened by his gratitude. "Really, I mean it."

"Don't mention it," (y/n) replied bashfully, looking away to hide her blushing cheeks. "We should probably continue walking, or we'll miss their practice!"

With that, they both stood up and started walking towards Aoba Johsai again, Kenta now walking comfortably beside them. The warm afternoon sun bathed them in a soft glow, and (y/n) couldn't help but feel content in the presence of her two friends.

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