Chapter 131: Back to Normality

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After the invigorating days at the training camps, a renewed sense of anticipation lingered in the air as the Karasuno team prepared to dive back into their regular practice routine. The dawn painted the sky with hues of soft pinks and oranges, casting a gentle glow over the familiar landscape.

The tranquility of the morning was juxtaposed by the audible yawns escaping (y/n) and her brother as they strolled towards Karasuno High. The sleepy atmosphere, however, did little to dampen the enthusiasm of Kenta, their lively pup, who dashed ahead, a bundle of energy, leaving a trail of playful barks echoing through the quiet streets.

The rhythmic cadence of footsteps echoed against the pavement, punctuated by intermittent yawns, creating a comforting symphony of the mundane morning routine. (Y/n)'s tousled hair danced in the gentle breeze, and she exchanged a knowing glance with her brother, silently acknowledging the shared sentiment of returning to the routine of everyday school life.

Animated discussions unfolded, a blend of strategic considerations and playful banter echoing between the two siblings. Kenta, momentarily subdued, nestled by (y/n)'s side, his earlier burst of energy now replaced by a contented calm.

The serenity was abruptly shattered when two familiar figures, Hinata and Kageyama, barreled past them with an exuberance that seemed to defy the early hour. Keishin's brows furrowed in a grumble, voicing his disapproval at their seemingly boundless energy. Meanwhile, Kenta, ever the embodiment of unbridled enthusiasm, surged forward, prompting (y/n) to abandon the conversation and join the impromptu race.

The quartet—two sprinting volleyball enthusiasts, a spirited pup, and (y/n) with her hair tousled by the wind—navigated the school grounds in a flurry of motion. Laughter and the rhythmic patter of footsteps resonated, punctuated by Kenta's occasional joyful barks. The scene, albeit chaotic, carried an infectious spirit of camaraderie and youthful exuberance.

Finally catching up with Hinata and Kageyama, (y/n) halted their exuberant chase with a firm shout. The two boys, now frozen in their tracks, turned to face her, only to find Kenta sinking onto the pavement, on the brink of slumber. (Y/n) sighed, a mixture of amusement and concern coloring her expression as she scooped up the tired pup.

Lecturing the duo about their inadvertent role in Kenta's sprint-induced fatigue, (y/n) playfully scolded them while Hinata and Kageyama exchanged sheepish glances. The trio—now a trio plus canine companion—resumed their journey, choosing a more leisurely pace toward the clubroom.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a golden hue over the Karasuno grounds as the impromptu gathering unfolded outside the locked clubroom. Hinata and Kageyama, unable to access their haven, shrugged off the inconvenience and turned it into an opportunity to warm up. The rhythmic sound of a volleyball being passed back and forth resonated in the air, a prelude to the upcoming practice.

(Y/n) found a comfortable spot on a weathered bench, Kenta nestled on her lap, his earlier burst of energy now giving way to contented relaxation. The trio, a tableau of casual camaraderie, immersed themselves in conversation amid the passing of the ball.

The dialogue flowed seamlessly from their recent training camp experiences. Kageyama's revelation about encountering someone resembling the Little Giant piqued Hinata's curiosity, igniting a spark of interest that echoed in the animated exchange between the two. However, when Kageyama proclaimed the newfound acquaintance to be superior to Hinata, the atmosphere shifted into a familiar bout of friendly rivalry.

Amused by the predictability of their banter, (y/n) sighed, rolled her eyes, and chuckled softly. "Some things never change," she remarked, a sentiment echoed by the rhythmic thud of the volleyball in the background.

Tanaka, perceptive to the dynamics, couldn't resist joining in. "Five minutes back together, and they're already at it," he quipped from behind (y/n), eliciting laughter from the group.

Just as the banter reached its peak, Tanaka, the unexpected savior, revealed he possessed the elusive clubroom key. A collective sigh of relief swept through the group as they prepared to transition from the outdoor antics to the familiar confines of the gym.

The anticipation mounted as one by one, the members of the Karasuno team trickled into the scene. The vibrant energy of the team, once scattered during the training camps, converged, breathing life into the dormant gymnasium. Keishin, always fashionably late, strolled in as the final piece of the puzzle, prompting a snarky remark from (y/n) about his leisurely pace.

With the team assembled, the stage was set for the resumption of their routine morning practice. The air buzzed with a blend of excitement and familiarity as they stepped into the clubroom, eager to embrace the challenges that awaited them. The echoes of camaraderie and the bouncing ball served as a prelude to the synchronized dance of spikes, serves, and blocks that would define yet another day in the spirited world of Karasuno High School's volleyball team.

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