Chapter 53: Worry

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"(Y/n)-san!!" The three of them cried out in unison, lightly jostling (y/n) in an attempt to rouse her. Worry washed over the group as (y/n) barely reacted to their touch. The only response they received was a low groan, and she shifted slightly, indicating that she was somewhat aware.

"Noya, Tora," Tanaka began, his voice laced with urgency. "You run back to the convenience store and tell the owner what happened. Call Coach Ukai too. Also, get some ice ready. I'll carry her back and meet you there."

Nodding their heads, Nishinoya and Yamamoto swiftly rushed back to the store, leaving Tanaka with a terrified puppy and (y/n) still not fully conscious.

"Damn!" Tanaka cursed under his breath, his eyes filled with concern. "Come on, (y/n), please wake up!"

He gently checked (y/n) over, making sure she was still breathing and assessing the extent of her injuries. Relief washed over him as she slowly opened her eyes, albeit groaning in pain. (Y/n) attempted to sit up, but a sharp yelp escaped her lips when she tried to move her injured leg.

Kenta, sensing her discomfort, barked happily and showered (y/n) with slobbery kisses, his tail wagging vigorously. She mustered a weak smile, grateful for the furry companion's unwavering support.

Before (y/n) could make another attempt to move, Tanaka pulled her into a tight hug, burying his face in her (h/c) hair. He whispered, his voice filled with relief, "Thank goodness you're alright. We saw you lying here, and you weren't moving. Noya and Tora went to the convenience store. Here, get on my back, and I'll carry you there."

Still feeling dazed, (y/n) cautiously allowed Tanaka to piggyback her, resting her head on his shoulder. As they made their way towards the store, she could sense the stress radiating from Tanaka. Tightening her grip on his shirt, she nuzzled her face into his shoulder, finding solace in his comforting scent.

Each breath she took, filled with his familiar aroma, helped to calm her racing heart. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against her cheek acted as a soothing lullaby, easing her into a calmer state. Once she felt a little better, (y/n) wrapped her arms tighter around Tanaka's shoulders, trying to convey her gratitude through the embrace.

"I'm sorry for worrying you and the others, Tanaka-senpai," (y/n) spoke softly, her voice tinged with sincerity.

"Don't be sorry," Tanaka responded, his voice gentle yet resolute. "It's not your fault that asshole ran a red light. I'm just glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't woken up."

Sensing the lingering fear in his voice, (y/n) mustered the courage to place a small kiss on Tanaka's cheek, hoping to provide some comfort. The second-year tensed at her unexpected gesture, a flurry of incoherent stutters escaping his lips. Giggling at his adorable reaction, (y/n) relaxed even more, determined to alleviate the tension that enveloped them.

"You know, you're kind of like a knight right now, Tanaka-senpai," (y/n) playfully remarked. "I hate to admit it, but I've officially become the damsel in distress, and you came to my aid like the knight in shining armor. Although, just saying, my leg really hurts right now, and I have no intention of acting like a lady about it."

Her words broke through Tanaka's initial embarrassment, and he burst into laughter, shaking his head at (y/n)'s teasing. As they approached the store, they saw Nishinoya and Yamamoto eagerly waving them down. Once inside the convenience store, Nishinoya and Yamamoto immediately surrounded (y/n), their concern evident in their furrowed brows and hurried movements. Tanaka carefully carried her to a quieter area, where they could assess her injuries more thoroughly and provide the necessary first aid.

"Saeko-nee is on her way, Ryuu," Nishinoya explained, his voice filled with reassurance. "She's going to take the three of us back to the school. Coach and Suga are following, and they'll take (y/n)-san to the hospital."

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