SPECIAL Chapter 110: What Does Nekoma Think of (y/n)?

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Nekomata Yasufumi: "(Y/n), ah, that little troublemaker! We go way back, and I've known her since she was knee-high. She's got the spirit of a wildcat, just like her grandpa, Ikkei. We've shared countless arguments and banters, just like Ikkei and I used to. But beneath all that fiery spirit, she's got a heart of gold. We might love to butt heads, but I have immense respect for her. She's grown into a fine volleyball enthusiast, and I'm proud of the passion she brings to the game. 'Grandpa Neko' and 'Gramps' used to be at each other's throats too, but in the end, it's all in the name of love for the sport. We might argue like cats and crows, but it's all in good fun. She's family to me, just like her grandfather was."

Naoi Manabu: "(Y/n), oh, she's quite the character. I've known her since she was just a child when she used to join her grandfather for those spirited practice matches between Karasuno and Nekoma. Those were some intense times, I must say. She's always had this fiery spirit about her, a lot like her grandfather. I remember how Keishin and I would often get scolded by our coaches and, surprisingly, by her too. She wasn't one to hold back when it came to dishing out playful insults. (Y/n) could be a bit intimidating at times, especially for a couple of young volleyball enthusiasts like us. But you know, looking back, those memories are some of the fondest I have of those practice matches. She's grown into an incredible player and a wonderful person, and I have a lot of respect for her dedication to the sport. I'll always cherish those days of spirited matches and spirited arguments with (y/n). She's a true volleyball enthusiast, and I'm proud to have known her for so long."

Kuroo Tetsurō: "(Y/n), ah, you mean my favorite little 'Kitten'? She's quite the character, I'll tell you that much. We've had our fair share of banter and teasing, and it's all in good fun, really. She can give as good as she gets, and that's what makes it interesting. Now, as a coach, (y/n)-san is something else. I've got to give her credit; she knows her stuff. She's got this way of pushing her team to be the best they can be, and it's really admirable. I'm looking forward to facing off against Karasuno at nationals. With (y/n)-san in their corner, I'm sure they'll put up a good fight. And you know what's cute? When I lay on the charm, and she gets all shy and flustered. It's like watching a kitten with its fur all puffed up. But don't let that fool you; she's a firecracker. When she's mad, oh boy, you better watch out. In all seriousness, though, (y/n)-san is a fantastic coach, a formidable opponent, and a great sport. I have a lot of respect for her, and I'm looking forward to our next showdown on the court. Until then, it's all fair game for some friendly teasing."

Kai Nobuyuki: "(Y/n)-san is someone I hold in high regard. Her presence and coaching style have been a significant help to Nekoma this year. She brings a unique perspective to the game and has a deep understanding of volleyball that's hard to come by. Her dedication to her team and her ability to motivate her players are truly remarkable. I've seen firsthand how she can turn a struggling team into a formidable force on the court. Her insights and strategies have helped Nekoma immensely, and for that, I have the utmost respect for her. It's always a pleasure to compete against a coach of her caliber. She brings out the best in her team, and our matches with Karasuno have been some of the most intense and exciting ones I've ever been a part of. In the world of high school volleyball, (y/n)-san is undoubtedly one of the coaches to watch. Her impact on the sport is undeniable, and I look forward to many more challenging matches and opportunities to learn from her."

Yaku Morisuke: "Ah, (y/n)-san? She and I share a unique bond as liberos. There's a special camaraderie that develops between players who take on that position. We understand the importance of our role on the court - being the defensive backbone of the team. We've spent countless hours training together, working on our receives and dives. (Y/n)-san is as dedicated in practice as she is during a match. Training alongside her is always a rewarding experience. We push each other to improve, and it's made both of us better players. One thing I particularly enjoy is our competitive spirit during practice. We have this ongoing challenge of who can make the most impressive saves or who can dig out the most difficult spikes. It keeps things lively during training sessions. But beyond the competitiveness, (y/n)-san is a pleasure to be around. She's got this infectious energy and passion for the game. And yes, she can be quite cute, especially when she gets a little flustered after some teasing. All in all, (y/n)-san is not just a respected colleague but a valued friend. Our dynamic as liberos has allowed us to form a strong connection, and I wouldn't have it any other way. She's an integral part of Karasuno's success, and I'm lucky to have the opportunity to train and compete alongside her."

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