Chapter 58: Nasty Medicine

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"Lev!" the senior Nekoma coach called out, beckoning the lanky teenager over. "Come keep Spitfire company. You've played in all the practice matches so far, so sitting out for one won't kill you."

Lev nodded eagerly, flashing a mischievous smirk at the other boys, who reciprocated with glares. Settling down next to (y/n), his gaze remained fixed on her, oblivious to the ongoing matches. His single-minded focus on (y/n) garnered playful eye rolls and teasing remarks from their teammates, but Lev paid them no mind. He was determined to capture her undivided attention.

As the matches progressed, it became increasingly apparent that Lev had no intention of diverting his gaze from (y/n). While she diligently jotted down notes and engaged in lighthearted banter, he sat beside her, captivated by her presence. However, his desire for exclusive attention got the better of him. With lightning speed, Lev snatched her papers away and playfully placed them out of reach on the bench.

"Lev, come on," (y/n) pouted, her voice tinged with faux annoyance. "I need those!"

"Nope!" Lev responded, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "You already did all your work at the hospital. Your brother told us. So now, you're going to sit here, relax, and let me make you smile."

Unable to resist the infectious charm of Lev's outburst, (y/n) couldn't help but chuckle. She acquiesced, turning towards him to give him her full attention. His emerald eyes lit up with excitement at her response. Lev scooted back on the bench and retrieved a volleyball.

"I know you want to move around," Lev began, a playful grin adorning his face, "so why don't we pass the ball back and forth? It's safe and enjoyable."

The sparkle in (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes confirmed her eagerness to join in the fun. They started by rolling the ball between each other, maintaining a steady conversation as they did. The atmosphere brimmed with laughter and lighthearted banter. However, the playful exchange soon escalated into a more challenging game.

A mischievous gleam danced across (y/n)'s lips as she eyed her trusted crutches. Determination radiated from her as she grabbed them, tossing one to Lev, who caught it with ease. It was an unspoken agreement—they were about to embark on a new and exciting adventure.

With crutch in hand, (y/n) took on a modified stance, ready to face the challenge. Lev mirrored her posture, his competitive spirit ignited. The gym fell into a hush as their teammates observed the duo, eagerly awaiting the display of skill and camaraderie.

The game began, their volley sending the ball soaring back and forth between them. Despite the added difficulty, (y/n) exhibited remarkable agility and adaptability, her determination shining through each swing of the crutch. Lev, equally enthusiastic, matched her energy, their synchronized movements a testament to their growing connection.

"...Umm, Coach?" Yamaguchi spoke up, his voice laced with concern.

Keishin turned his attention to the freckled boy, his brows furrowing. "What is it, Yamaguchi?"

"I think (y/n)-san is trying to break her crutches," Yamaguchi explained, his words accompanied by a worried frown. "Or maybe Lev, I'm not sure. Also, isn't it time for her medicine?"

Keishin's eyes widened as he followed Yamaguchi's gaze. The sight before him nearly caused him to faint. (Y/n) and Lev were wielding the crutches like baseball bats, using them to pass the volleyball between each other. It was a clear sign that (y/n) was growing restless, pushing the boundaries of the game to extremes. With every swing, there was a near-miss, each player swinging anyway, their competitive spirit overriding caution.

In a fit of exasperation, Keishin hollered at both of them, grabbing a spare ball and hurling it at Lev for letting (y/n) get away with such antics.

"Don't let her do that!" Keishin shouted, his voice filled with urgency. "She's just trying to get you to let her move around more than she's allowed to by breaking the crutches. If she succeeds, she'll have to hop around! So stop it! Also, give her that medicine now. It's in the bag by the bench. Fair warning, though—she will fight you. The nurses had to deal with it too."

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