Chapter 54: Hospital

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After a nerve-wracking wait, they finally arrived at the hospital. Keishin quickly instructed Sugawara to take (y/n) inside while he found a parking spot. The third-year setter nodded, understanding the urgency, and gently guided (y/n) through the hospital doors.

Inside, Sugawara's anxiety heightened as he desperately sought help for his injured friend. His voice trembled as he called out to a passing nurse, his concern evident in every word.

"Excuse me, please," Sugawara's voice wavered. "I need help. My friend is hurt."

The compassionate nurse immediately sprang into action, taking in the sight of (y/n)'s injuries and swiftly guiding her onto a bed. With practiced efficiency, she assessed (y/n)'s vital signs and promptly alerted a doctor.

"Don't worry," the nurse offered reassurance to Sugawara. "Your friend is in good hands now. Why don't you have a seat over there, and I'll come to get you once we've completed the examination?"

Sugawara nodded gratefully, his legs feeling weak as he made his way to the waiting area. He sank into one of the chairs, his eyes fixed on (y/n) as the nurse led her away for further evaluation. The sight of her in pain tore at his heart, fueling his desire to be there for her every step of the way.

Moments later, Keishin entered the hospital, frustration etched on his face as he joined Sugawara in the waiting area. He muttered under his breath about parking fees, his annoyance temporarily overshadowed by his concern for (y/n)'s well-being.

"They said they'll come get us once they're finished examining her," Sugawara informed Keishin, his voice laced with worry. "The doctor is on his way down. They mentioned something about checking her head and ankle."

Keishin let out a sigh, his fingers drumming anxiously on his knee. "Yeah, I hope it's nothing too serious. She's a tough one, but she shouldn't have to endure all this pain."

Sugawara nodded in agreement, his gaze never leaving (y/n). Their shared concern for her formed an unspoken bond between them, transcending the boundaries of friendship. They both knew that (y/n) needed their unwavering support now more than ever.

As they sat in the hospital waiting area, time seemed to stretch endlessly. The muffled sounds of footsteps and hushed conversations enveloped them, each passing minute a testament to their mounting impatience. But amidst the uncertainty and worry, they found solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from their shared determination to see (y/n) through this ordeal.

After skillfully tending to (y/n)'s knee and other minor cuts, the nurse returned to the waiting area, where she noticed Keishin had joined Sugawara. Concerned about (y/n)'s well-being, she approached Keishin to discuss the incident in more detail. Keishin gratefully recounted the events, grateful for the second-year's account of what had transpired.

Given permission, Keishin and Sugawara were escorted to a private room where they could wait for the doctor. As they entered the room, they found (y/n) appearing slightly more alert and comfortable after receiving assistance from the nurse.

Finally, the doctor arrived, approaching (y/n) with a gentle smile on his face, exuding a calm and reassuring aura.

"Hello there," the doctor greeted (y/n). "Looks like you've had a rough night."

(Y/n) nodded meekly, her voice still subdued due to the lingering pain.

"I'm guessing you aren't very chatty because of the pain," the doctor continued, his tone understanding. "But we've given you some painkillers that should start working soon. We've elevated your ankle and applied ice to it. Now, I'll take a look at the cut on your head."

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