Chapter 78: Spring High Preliminaries

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The first set had started with an electrifying service ace from Asahi, sending a surge of adrenaline through the Karasuno team. (Y/n) couldn't contain her excitement as she cheered loudly for the ace.

"Alright, Asahi-senpai! Way to start the match like that!" (y/n) exclaimed, her voice filled with enthusiasm and encouragement.

Asahi, flustered by the attention, waved at (y/n) with a grateful smile, muttering a shy "thank you" as he did so. The tone for the match was set, with Karasuno displaying their exceptional skills and teamwork. Even when the opposing team tried to switch to a feint attack, Daichi's exceptional receiving made it look effortless.

"Way to go, Daichi-senpai!" (y/n) cheered once more. "You're all doing great! Keep at it!"

The momentum was in Karasuno's favor, and one remarkable play followed another. It was evident to everyone that Karasuno had transformed into a powerhouse team once more.

"It's... Hmm, how do I put it..." Takeda began thoughtfully, his eyes sparkling with pride. "It seems like everyone is much more confident in their movements now."

"Yeah, when we went to Tokyo for the training camp, they didn't just focus on learning new skills," Keishin added, nodding in agreement. "They also dedicated time to honing their basic skills. Playing against high-level teams there has definitely paid off."

"The experience really boosted their confidence," (y/n) chimed in. "Now they're accustomed to facing formidable opponents, and it's making a huge difference in their performance."

The first set concluded with a powerful point scored by Hinata, securing a victory for Karasuno. During the short break, one of the opposing team's players brazenly boasted about winning this match and then defeating the powerhouse Shiratorizawa. The challenge only fueled the fire in Karasuno's hearts, and they were more determined than ever to prove their strength.

"Challenge accepted!" Tanaka roared in response, pumping his fist with unwavering resolve.

"Go get 'em, guys!" (y/n) called out, her voice echoing with support as the players returned to the court.

The second set was fiercely contested, with the opposing team displaying greater determination and tenacity. However, Karasuno's spirit and unwavering teamwork prevailed, and they emerged victorious once again, with Hinata scoring the final point.

"I'm sure Gramps is impressed right now," (y/n) remarked, her eyes gleaming with pride for her grandfather.

"Yeah, he'll be thrilled to see how well the third and second years are doing," Keishin agreed. "They didn't give up after the challenges they faced. Instead, they grew stronger and more determined because of it."

As the boys made their way over, jubilant over their first victory, (y/n) greeted them with an infectious smile.

"Our first huddle is safely cleared," Takeda stated, a sense of accomplishment evident in his tone.

"On to the next one!" (y/n) added, her enthusiasm matching that of the players. "Keep up the momentum, guys! We're all behind you!"

The Karasuno players exchanged triumphant high-fives, their spirits soaring as they prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. With their coaches, managers, and dedicated fans supporting them every step of the way, they were ready to face whatever the tournament had in store for them. Together, they were determined to continue their ascent and make their mark on the national stage.

The tension was palpable as (y/n) joined the Karasuno boys in watching the next match, which would determine their upcoming opponent. It didn't take long for everyone to notice the towering figure of a player on one of the teams.

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