Chapter 33: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The First Set

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The anticipation in the air was palpable as the Karasuno and Aoba Johsai teams lined up, exchanging greetings and displaying their unique dynamics. Hinata's energetic banter with Kageyama added a touch of excitement to the atmosphere, although it paled in comparison to the tension that crackled when Iwaizumi made a menacing move towards Oikawa, creating a brief uproar.

As the match commenced, (y/n) fixated her gaze on the Aoba Johsai team, her eyes gleaming with an intensity akin to that of a predator stalking its prey. She keenly observed their every move, analyzing their strategies and individual strengths, all the while waiting for the opportune moment to strike with her own calculated maneuvers.

It didn't take long for (y/n) to notice the stark contrast between Oikawa's demeanor off the court and his transformation once he stepped onto the playing field. Cunning, perceptive, and exuding an aura of trust, he seamlessly orchestrated Aoba Johsai's plays, making it evident why he was such a formidable opponent.

Amidst the intensity of the match, (y/n) couldn't help but notice Kageyama's growing frustration. The pressure to outshine Oikawa and prove himself was clearly weighing on the first-year setter's shoulders, and it reflected in his game when he did a dump instead of the planned pipe attack. Sensing the mounting tension, (y/n) decided to intervene, her voice booming across the court, commanding attention from both teams.

"What the hell was that, Kageyama?!" (y/n) roared, her voice reverberating through the arena, causing a collective shiver to run down the spines of everyone present. The sheer force behind her words sent a clear message—she demanded nothing short of excellence from the players under her watchful eye.

Kageyama, visibly taken aback by (y/n)'s wrath, quickly bowed in apology, acknowledging his mistake. "He wasn't expecting it. I'm sorry!" he stammered, his voice laced with genuine remorse.

Seething with anger, (y/n) continued her admonishment, her voice still brimming with fury. "I thought I only had to rip String Bean a new one! I'll let it slide this time, just because it worked, but seriously, do that again and I will wring your neck, am I understood?! Don't go throwing in random surprises; you'll end up hurting someone!"

Kageyama, his voice trembling, managed to stutter out a meek "H-h-hai!" in response, the weight of (y/n)'s warning sinking in.

The Seijoh coach couldn't help but comment under his breath, recognizing the familiar fire within (y/n) that mirrored her legendary grandfather. "Well, I see (y/n) has really taken after her grandfather," he mumbled, acknowledging the ferocity and strategic prowess she possessed.

The impact of (y/n)'s outburst reverberated throughout the Aoba Johsai team, leaving them petrified. They could only imagine the consequences if they were to say or do anything to provoke her further. Kindaichi stifled a laugh at his former classmate's plight, well aware of the danger lurking beneath (y/n)'s fiery exterior. Iwaizumi, on the other hand, stared at (y/n) with a mixture of awe and disbelief, his mouth agape, unable to comprehend the force of her presence.

Meanwhile, Oikawa, who had intended to taunt Kageyama and stir up some rivalry, swiftly fell silent as he locked eyes with (y/n), "Heh, looks like (y/n)-chan likes us more than you, Tobio-cha--" 

There was no other word to describe her expression—she appeared downright lethal. The piercing glare she directed towards him sent a chill down his spine, his cocky demeanor dissipating in an instant. Suddenly pale as a ghost, he turned to his team, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"I think our biggest threat at the moment is the power (y/n)-chan holds over Karasuno," Oikawa confessed, his tone laced with both respect and apprehension. "She is their brain, and something tells me she's harboring a wealth of terrifying strategies."

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