Chapter 139: Let The Tournament Begin

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In the early light of the next morning, an electric tension crackled through the air, setting the Karasuno team on edge. The dawn cast a hushed atmosphere over breakfast, with the clink of utensils against plates echoing in the quiet room. A palpable anticipation hung in the air as each member, consumed by thoughts of the imminent match, exchanged only fleeting glances. The unspoken understanding of the challenges ahead created a solemn ambiance, amplifying the gravity of the impending competition.

At the grandiose Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium, the heartbeat of the upcoming tournament, the atmosphere began to loosen its grip on the Karasuno team. The expansive arena echoed with the chatter of excited players and the hum of anticipation. Amidst the bustling crowd, (Y/n) couldn't help but notice the familiar symphony of Hinata and Kageyama's banter, their rivalry ever-present, making her chuckle with a playful shake of her head.

Behind her, a voice cut through the noise like a friendly beacon. "Wow, those two never give it a rest, do they? However do you manage, Kitten?"

Turning around, (y/n) found herself greeted by the warm smiles of the Nekoma team. Lev, with his towering height, playfully ruffled her hair, while Kenma, with his usual nonchalant expression, gave a small nod in acknowledgment.

"Told you, Kuroo-senpai, she's got them wrapped around her finger," Lev teased, nudging his captain.

Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma, grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, well, Kitten, looks like you're the source of chaos for our little crows."

As conversations ignited between the teams, (y/n) found herself engrossed in catching up with familiar faces. Yaku and Lev were teasing each other, while Kenma exchanged subtle nods of understanding with Kageyama about their shared affinity for precision on the court.

Kenta, the adorable pup nestled in (y/n)'s bag, suddenly perked up. A familiar voice had triggered his excitement, and in a swift, joyful motion, he leaped out and scampered toward Inuoka. The Nekoma player's eyes lit up with joy as he knelt down to greet the enthusiastic pup, exchanging heartfelt smiles with (y/n).

Meanwhile, other Nekoma members couldn't help but grumble amongst themselves about Inuoka's ability to effortlessly capture (y/n)'s attention with the charismatic Kenta by his side.

The banter continued, laughter echoing through the venue as the Nekoma and Karasuno teams seamlessly merged, weaving a tapestry of camaraderie and shared history. Amidst the animated conversations, (y/n) felt a genuine warmth enveloping her, a testament to the bonds forged on and off the court.

Amidst the bustling entry of the gymnasium, the air pulsated with excitement, and the high-spirited energy of the teams mingled with the echoing footsteps of players and the occasional squeak of sneakers on the polished floor. In the midst of this vibrant chaos, Hinata's expression betrayed an unusual distress, his furrowed brows revealing the intensity of his nerves.

Concern etched on her features, (y/n) attempted to call out to Hinata, but before her voice could reach him, a sudden collision occurred. Nishinoya, propelled by the chaotic momentum, careened towards a nearby girl. Time seemed to slow as everyone held their breath, anticipating the impending collision.

Miraculously, the girl exhibited an impressive display of reflexes, catching Nishinoya just in the nick of time, preventing what could have been a comical yet awkward encounter. A collective sigh of relief swept through the onlookers as the two steadied themselves.

Tanaka, ever the boisterous voice in the crowd, seized the moment to make himself heard. "Hey, Kanoka! You've got the reflexes of a ninja!"

Amanai, with an amused grin, acknowledged Tanaka with a nod. "Well, it's not every day you become a human shield."

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