Chapter 14: Meeting Nekoma

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Throughout the week, (y/n) dedicated herself to working with the team, helping each member improve their receives and providing valuable guidance to Nishinoya, the team's libero. She offered her support and expertise, focusing on the smallest details that could make a significant difference in their performance. As the days passed, everyone showed remarkable progress and a newfound confidence.

Finally, the highly anticipated day of the practice match against Nekoma arrived, filling (y/n) with sheer excitement. The team had already departed to meet their opponents, leaving her with the task of preparing snacks and water to keep them fueled and hydrated throughout the intense game.

Venturing out to the local stores, (y/n) carefully selected an assortment of snacks that would satisfy the team's cravings while providing the necessary energy to sustain them during the match. She filled her basket with a variety of treats, considering each player's preferences and dietary needs.

As she strolled through the aisles, (y/n) couldn't help but reflect on the bonds she had formed with each member of the team. Their shared experiences, their laughter, and their determination to excel had created a sense of camaraderie that made her feel like an integral part of the team. She had grown not only as a player herself but also as a friend to each member.

With the snacks and water in tow, (y/n) headed to the gymnasium, her heart racing with anticipation. The bustling atmosphere filled with the sounds of bouncing volleyballs, echoing cheers, and the murmurs of excitement from both teams energized her even more. This was the culmination of their hard work and dedication.


Keishin and Naoi engaged in playful banter, exchanging jokes as the teams introduced themselves to one another. Their lighthearted exchange brought a smile to everyone's faces, setting a jovial atmosphere before the practice match commenced. Nekomata, ever the mischievous presence, couldn't resist adding his own snide remarks, provoking laughter from those around him.

"Oi, Ukai, I thought you said your little sister was going to be here?" Naoi teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Man, I haven't seen her in seven or eight years, since that last match. All I remember is your grandfather getting her to practice her spikes. She spiked right into my gut."

A nostalgic smile crossed Naoi's face as he reminisced about the past, recalling the lively encounters they had during their previous matches. The memories of their spirited rivalry and intense battles were etched in their minds, and they held a special place in their hearts.

"Hehe, yeah, Jinx will be here soon," Keishin chuckled, fondly remembering his sister's nickname. "And she'll probably comment on how you're still as scary as she remembers, Naoi."

Naoi scoffed playfully, eager to defend himself. "I wasn't scary! She called you ugly!"

The playful banter continued, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and friendly competition. The coaches exchanged jabs and jests, each remark met with laughter and good-natured ribbing. The past encounters had forged a unique bond between them, one that allowed them to engage in playful teasing without malice.

Amidst the laughter, Nekomata couldn't resist joining in on the fun, seizing the opportunity to make a witty remark. "You were both called ugly," he snickered, earning a collective chuckle from those around him.

As the lighthearted banter continued, the tension that often accompanied competitive matches dissolved, replaced by a sense of unity and mutual respect. Despite their fierce determination to win, the players recognized the value of friendship and camaraderie in their shared love for the sport.

With the teasing and laughter serving as a prelude, the teams were ready to showcase their skills and compete in a spirited and fair match. The jokes and memories of the past only fueled their competitive spirit, reminding them of the rich history they shared and the exciting future that awaited them on the court.

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