Chapter 11: Heading Home

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Radiating with a sense of accomplishment and excitement, (y/n) stepped out of the changing room with a subtle skip in her step. Her team had emerged victorious in both sets, and the match had been nothing short of exhilarating. As she walked down the hallway, she couldn't help but reflect on the immense potential she saw within this group of boys.

Each player had demonstrated their unique strengths and remarkable skills, complementing one another to form a cohesive unit. The synergy they had achieved on the court left (y/n) with a deep sense of satisfaction. It was evident that they possessed the makings of a formidable team, one that could achieve great things in the future.

The thought of the long-awaited Battle of the Garbage Dump, a legendary match between Karasuno and Nekoma High, crossed (y/n)'s mind. The old rivalry between the two schools almost seemed forgotten and (y/n) wanted nothing more than to bring it back. (Y/n) couldn't help but imagine the sheer joy her grandfather, the former coach of Karasuno, would experience upon hearing about the current team's potential.

A smile played on her lips as she made a mental note to call her grandfather soon and share all the exciting details. She longed to hear the warmth in his voice as he congratulated her and the team, proud of their progress and determination. Their journey had just begun, and she was eager to keep him updated on their future successes.

With a cheerful hum, (y/n) gathered her belongings, ensuring she had everything she needed before heading home. Keishin had mentioned staying back for a while to discuss matters with Takeda-sensei, which meant that (y/n) would be walking home alone today—or so she thought. As she made her way through the streets, a familiar howl of her name reached her ears, instantly capturing her attention.

Chuckling softly to herself, she turned to find Nishinoya, his toothy grin stretching across his face as he bounded towards her.

"Hey there, Noya-senpai!" (y/n) greeted him with a warm smile.

"(Y/n)-san! I will walk you home today! Consider it a treat for being such a formidable opponent!" Nishinoya declared, his enthusiasm shining through.

"Thank you, Noya-senpai," she expressed her gratitude, touched by his kind words and gesture.

An awkward blush tinted Nishinoya's cheeks as he stammered, attempting to reaffirm his role as her senpai. (Y/n) couldn't help but find his flustered state endearing, wondering if she had inadvertently made him feel self-conscious.

As they walked side by side down the bustling street, an unusual silence hung between them. Sensing the unease, (y/n) decided to break the ice and initiate a conversation.

"So, Noya-senpai, I have to say you're one of the best liberos I've ever seen," she complimented him sincerely.

"Th-thank you!" Nishinoya responded, his voice laced with surprise and genuine appreciation.

"No need to thank me. It's the truth. In fact, I was thinking it would be great if we could practice together sometime. I always enjoy learning new techniques, and it's beneficial to bounce ideas off one another," (y/n) suggested, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

Nishinoya's face lit up with excitement at the proposition, his usual exuberance returning. "I'd be honored!" he exclaimed, barely able to contain his joy.

"Great! We can arrange a time and place to train. It will be a fantastic opportunity for both of us," (y/n) replied, her smile widening at Nishinoya's eagerness.

Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they continued their walk, discussing different training strategies, sharing their insights, and solidifying plans for their joint practice sessions. Their shared passion for the sport and their mutual desire for growth forged a connection between them, strengthening their bond as teammates and friends.

Upon reaching (y/n)'s family's convenience store, she invited Nishinoya inside. The jingling of the entrance bell announced their arrival, and the familiar scent of snacks and drinks enveloped them as they stepped through the door. (Y/n) suggested they enjoy their promised ice cream inside, giving them an opportunity to further discuss their training plans.

Seated comfortably at a small table, (y/n) and Nishinoya savored their cool treats, exchanging stories and ideas. Their conversation flowed effortlessly, fueled by their shared enthusiasm for the sport and their growing camaraderie. Amidst laughter and friendly banter, they finalized their training schedule, carefully plotting out the days and times that suited them both.

As they concluded their discussion, the atmosphere filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Nishinoya bid (y/n) farewell, a mix of gratitude and determination shining in his eyes, before making his way back into the bustling streets. (Y/n) watched him depart, her heart filled with gratitude for the opportunity to train alongside such a talented and spirited player.

Entering the quiet haven of her room, (y/n) couldn't help but reflect on the day's events. The match, the encouragement she had offered to Asahi and Sugawara, and now the prospect of training with Nishinoya—it all felt like a whirlwind of excitement and growth. She felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deepening bond with her teammates, each step bringing them closer to realizing their potential on the volleyball court.

With a contented sigh, (y/n) settled into a comfortable chair, allowing the events of the day to wash over her. She couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation for what the future held, eager to continue her journey with the Karasuno High volleyball team and to forge unbreakable bonds that would last a lifetime.

'This sure has been an interesting day. And we start our training camp this weekend. That's when we'll meet Nekoma...' (y/n) though to herself, the prospect of facing Nekoma filled her heart with excitement. The legendary rivalry between her grandfather's old team and Nekoma High School ignited a fire within her, pushing her to strive for greatness on the volleyball court.

Unable to contain her excitement, (y/n) reached for her phone and dialed her grandfather's number. The familiar voice on the other end brought a sense of comfort and joy, as they delved into discussions about the current state of the Karasuno team and strategies to further improve their skills. It was a tradition they had carried on since (y/n) was a young girl, watching matches together and brainstorming ways to enhance teams' performances.

The conversation with her grandfather, reminiscing about their shared love for the sport and exchanging ideas, reminded (y/n) of the days when he was still the coach at Karasuno. Those precious memories flooded her mind, filling her with a deep sense of nostalgia and gratitude for the bond they shared.

"Alright, Baby Crow, you should get some rest now," her grandfather gently advised. "And don't forget what I told you."

"I won't, Gramps," she reassured him with a warm smile on her face. "Goodnight, take care of yourself!"

Feeling a surge of warmth and encouragement from their conversation, (y/n) couldn't help but feel even more invigorated. However, she knew that a good night's sleep was essential for her performance during the training camp. Reluctantly, she bid her grandfather goodbye and settled down for the night.

As she lay in bed, her thoughts continued to race with images of fierce matches, intense training sessions, and the unwavering determination of her teammates. (Y/n) knew that they were ready to face any challenge that awaited them, including the formidable Nekoma team. She vowed to give her all, to make her grandfather proud and to carry on the legacy of Karasuno High School.

'We're coming for you, Grandpa Neko,' she whispered to herself, her voice filled with determination. 'You and your team better be prepared, because Karasuno is ready to soar.'

With that resolute thought, (y/n) gradually succumbed to the embrace of sleep, her breathing steadying as dreams of victory and camaraderie danced through her mind. Unbeknownst to her, her older brother, after ensuring she was sound asleep, quietly entered the room, his heart filled with pride for his passionate and dedicated sister. He, too, knew the importance of rest, especially for someone as spirited as (y/n), and he wished her nothing but success in her volleyball journey.

As the night enveloped them both, the dreams of triumph and the promise of a new day fueled their souls, paving the way for a future filled with determination, growth, and the unwavering pursuit of their volleyball dreams.

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