Chapter 23: Cute Puppies

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With the resumption of practice, the focus shifted towards the defensive strategies. The team, already well-versed in their receiving skills, adapted to the new formations with remarkable ease. Their natural chemistry and understanding of each other's movements allowed them to grasp the intricacies of the defensive plays in no time. By the end of the rigorous session, half of the team had already honed their execution to near perfection.

Impressed by their progress, (y/n) provided additional pointers to further refine their techniques. She emphasized the importance of synchronized movements and quick transitions, ensuring that every player understood their roles and responsibilities within each formation. As they absorbed her guidance, (y/n) announced her plans for the next day's training.

"As you all know, tomorrow we'll have Spitfire with us only until noon. We need to make the most of the time we have. If there's any specific formation you'd like more assistance with, let her know, and we'll do our best to squeeze it into the training schedule," Nekomata addressed the team, his voice filled with encouragement.

The players responded in unison, their determination evident in their resolute affirmation. "Hai," they replied, a collective commitment resonating through the gym.

Excitement filled the air as they contemplated the opportunity to further enhance their skills under the guidance of (y/n). The prospect of refining their back attacks ignited a spark of motivation within each player. They understood the significance of tomorrow's training and were eager to make every moment count.

They were determined to showcase their growth and make (y/n) proud. The gymnasium echoed with their footsteps, a tangible energy lingering in the air, signaling the unwavering resolve that unified them as a team.

Meanwhile, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a swell of pride witnessing their dedication and progress. She was genuinely impressed by their commitment and ability to adapt to new strategies with such efficiency. Looking forward to the following day, she mentally prepared herself to provide focused guidance on back attacks, knowing that their receptiveness would propel them to new heights.

As the team began their post-practice cleanup, (y/n) emerged from the changing room, her gaze falling upon Inuoka, who was still bustling with energy. With a warm smile, she called out to him, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Inuoka! You did promise to walk me back to my hotel today, didn't you?" she reminded him, a playful twinkle in her eyes.

The first-year nodded enthusiastically, his excitement evident in every fiber of his being. "Absolutely! And hey, how about we take a longer route and go through the park? It's a beautiful day, and I'm sure you'll love it!"

Accepting his suggestion with a nod of agreement, (y/n) happily allowed the exuberant teen to take the lead. Inuoka, determined to make the walk enjoyable and memorable, embarked on a mission to captivate her with his knowledge and anecdotes about the surrounding area.

As they strolled through the bustling streets, Inuoka pointed out notable landmarks, sharing intriguing facts and stories about each one. With animated gestures and a genuine enthusiasm, he effortlessly drew (y/n) into his world, ensuring that every step of their journey was filled with amusement and discovery.

Inuoka's contagious energy and genuine passion for their surroundings quickly became evident. He was like an enthusiastic tour guide, weaving a tapestry of vivid descriptions and engaging narratives that brought the city to life before (y/n)'s eyes. From the historic monuments to the hidden gems tucked away in narrow alleyways, Inuoka's keen eye and infectious curiosity transformed an ordinary walk into an extraordinary adventure.

With each passing minute, (y/n) found herself captivated by Inuoka's youthful spirit and genuine desire to make her experience truly memorable. His ability to effortlessly entertain and engage her in conversation left an indelible impression. They laughed, shared stories, and even indulged in playful banter, forging a connection that surpassed the boundaries of seniority and age.

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