Chapter 27: Meeting Seijoh

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Iwaizumi shot an exasperated glare at his friend as they made their way back into the building. It had become a routine for the third-year to tear Oikawa away from his relentless fangirls, and his patience was wearing thin. Oikawa, still sulking over the volleyball that had met the back of his head, couldn't resist complaining.

"Trashykawa, are you whining again?" Iwaizumi snapped, annoyed by his friend's constant moping.

Oikawa pouted and crossed his arms, but his attention was quickly diverted by a small whimper nearby. The sound drew both their gazes, and they discovered the source of the noise.

"That wasn't me, Iwa-chan! It came from over there... Wahh, it's so cute!!!" Oikawa squealed in delight.

There, before them, stood a terrified Kenta, scanning the area anxiously, his small tail tucked between his legs. His eyes were filled with longing, desperately seeking his owner's familiar presence. Iwaizumi couldn't deny that the puppy was undeniably adorable, and even he felt a soft spot in his heart. The sight of the vulnerable creature touched a chord within him, stirring a sense of protectiveness.

But before Iwaizumi could make a move, a voice interrupted them, cutting through the air with firmness and authority.

"Excuse me, that's my dog," (y/n) stated firmly, her voice tinged with concern and relief.

Kenta's ears perked up at the sound of her voice, his gaze fixating on (y/n) as she approached him with open arms. A genuine smile illuminated her face as she embraced the pup, their connection evident in the way Kenta nuzzled against her, seeking comfort and reassurance. It was a heartwarming scene that captured Iwaizumi and Oikawa's attention, momentarily captivating them.

Iwaizumi, known for his tough exterior, found himself unable to look away. He studied (y/n) intently, his dark eyes tracing the contours of her face. There was something about her that drew him in, an indescribable warmth and kindness that radiated from her presence. He couldn't deny the genuine love and care she showered upon Kenta, and it resonated with his own values.

Oikawa, always attuned to the admiration of others, couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He watched (y/n) and Kenta, his gaze shifting between them and the puppy that had once captivated his attention. He realized that (y/n) possessed a quality that he often sought: a deep connection with something beyond the superficiality of his fangirls' adoration.

As (y/n) looked up and met their eyes, her expression a mix of confusion and determination, Iwaizumi and Oikawa exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the unexpected turn of events. There was an unspoken understanding between them—a recognition of the significance this encounter held.

"Is everything alright? We found him wandering around," Iwaizumi asked, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

(Y/n) nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you both for finding him. I was worried sick."

"It was no problem. He's a sweet dog," Iwaizumi replied, a small smile forming on his lips.

Oikawa, still grappling with his own emotions, mustered up his charm again, hoping to regain (y/n)'s attention.

"Well, my dear, I'm glad we could help. You must be here to watch me play, right?" Oikawa asked, flashing his signature smile.

"Um, no," (y/n) replied, unimpressed by Oikawa's self-assured demeanor. She crossed her arms and tilted her head, her eyes filled with a mixture of amusement and skepticism. "Actually, I have no idea who you are."

In that moment, it appeared as if someone had just punctured Oikawa's ego. Behind him, his best friend, Iwaizumi, struggled to suppress his laughter, finding (y/n)'s reaction to be utterly priceless. (Y/n) was perplexed and a little annoyed by Oikawa's arrogance.

"I'm Oikawa Tooru, known as one of the best in the prefecture," Oikawa proclaimed proudly, trying to regain his composure.

"Obnoxious," (y/n) retorted, her bluntness causing Oikawa's ego to deflate. It was a blow to his pride, as he fell to the ground dramatically, wilting away under her harsh treatment.

(Y/n) took a moment to glance at Oikawa's jacket, her expression shifting from annoyance to surprise. She noticed the Aoba Johsai emblem embroidered on it. 'You're kidding me, this idiot is from Aoba Johsai? Maybe his teammate is less of a moron,' she thought, her curiosity piqued.

Ignoring the fallen Oikawa, (y/n) moved closer to Iwaizumi, her confusion evident. "Sorry about that. I think I broke him," she apologized, offering a small smile.

"Don't worry. He's an idiot and deserves it. I'm Iwaizumi Hajime, by the way. You know you're not supposed to have a dog with you, right?" he asked, rubbing Kenta's head with a gentle smile.

"Nice to meet you, Iwaizumi-senpai. You can both just call me (y/n). I'm used to being called by my first name. And yeah, I know, but I couldn't leave him at home alone, and he just sits in my bag, watching the matches. He got out when I was getting a drink," (y/n) explained, her tone tinged with a hint of worry.

Iwaizumi listened intently, captivated by her words, all while caressing Kenta's furry head. He tried his best to hide his blush, grateful that (y/n) hadn't fallen for Oikawa's charm. In fact, she had completely ignored the flamboyant setter and focused her attention solely on Iwaizumi—a scenario he never thought he'd witness.

"I see. Well, you should keep him hidden. Oi, Trashykawa, we need to go. We've got a match to watch," Iwaizumi called out to his fallen friend, who was still sprawled on the ground.

"Sure, sure, Iwa-chan. So, will our lovely companion and her dog be joining us?" Oikawa asked, determined to regain (y/n)'s attention.

Oikawa mustered up his charm again, hoping to win (y/n) over. However, she responded with a disgusted grunt at his strange pose, keeping her distance from the peculiar guy.

'Nii-chan owes me big time; this guy's an absolute moron,' (y/n) thought to herself as she shuffled away from the Oikawa puddle. With her dog safely in her arms and Iwaizumi by her side, (y/n) felt a sense of relief. The unexpected encounter had taken an interesting turn, leading to a moment of connection between her and Iwaizumi.


"Yoohoo, Tobio-chaaan!" Oikawa called out to his former underclassman, waving down at him teasingly.

Peeking around from behind Oikawa, (y/n) wore an expression that screamed 'save me,' seeking refuge from the overwhelming attention. Kageyama and the rest of the Karasuno team glanced up, their eyes shooting daggers at the Aoba Johsai setter upon seeing (y/n) in distress. Sensing the tension, Iwaizumi couldn't hold back any longer and swiftly smacked his teammate on the back of his head, forcibly dragging him away, with (y/n) gratefully following behind them.

As they made their way towards their designated seating area, (y/n) caught sight of another Aoba Johsai player.

'His hair is like a turnip... I vaguely recall Hinata mentioning a 'Turnip-kun' at some point. This must be him,' she thought, recognizing the distinctive hairstyle.

When they drew nearer, the third-year from Aoba Johsai couldn't help but gawk at (y/n), finding himself captivated by her presence. His curiosity sparked, he stood up and extended his hand for (y/n) to shake, a warm smile spreading across his face.

"Hi, I'm Kindaichi Yuutarou. Nice to meet you," he greeted (y/n) warmly, his eyes sparkling with genuine interest.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm--" (y/n) began to introduce herself, but before she could finish, she was interrupted by a pair of familiar voices.


Turning her head, (y/n) found Tanaka and Nishinoya wailing in unison as they enthusiastically waved at her, their eyes filled with exaggerated tears. The sheer theatricality of their greeting caught her off guard, momentarily taking her by surprise.

'Dammit, you two...' (y/n) thought, her lips curling into an amused smile despite their over-the-top antics.

Unable to contain her laughter, she waved back at Tanaka and Nishinoya, fully embracing their exuberant energy. It was evident that Tanaka and Nishinoya had a flair for the dramatic, and (y/n) couldn't help but appreciate their lively spirits. In that moment, she felt a sense of camaraderie, a shared enthusiasm for the game that connected them all.

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