Chapter 35: Karasuno VS Aoba Johsai - The Final Set

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As the third set continued, a sense of weariness began to settle over the Karasuno team. The intensity of the match and the relentless pressure to keep up with their formidable opponents had taken its toll. Fatigue seeped into their muscles, and doubt crept into their minds.

In a desperate move to turn the tide, Keishin called over a visibly trembling Yamaguchi. The realization struck (y/n) that it was time to put their plan into action – a plan that involved Yamaguchi stepping up as the pinch server. Shimada, Keishin's friend and Yamaguchi's serving teacher, had expressed concerns about Yamaguchi's consistency, referring to his serves as mere flukes. But in this critical moment, it was a chance they had to take.

As Yamaguchi stood before them, his eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. (Y/n) could sense the whirlwind of emotions swirling within him. It was a stressful time to be thrust into the spotlight, but (y/n) had faith in Yamaguchi's abilities. It was an opportunity for him to grow, to prove himself on the court.

"Yamaguchi, listen to me," (y/n) spoke with unwavering conviction, their voice laced with encouragement. "You've been training hard, and it shows. You've made tremendous progress, and now is your moment to shine. Stay calm, focus on your technique, and give us your best serve. We believe in you."

Yamaguchi's voice wavered as he responded, "H-hai."

Watching his uncertainty, (y/n) couldn't help but wonder if their words had truly eased his nerves or unintentionally added to the pressure. The weight of responsibility on his shoulders was palpable, and (y/n) hoped that their encouragement had instilled a sense of confidence rather than burden.

In an effort to soothe Yamaguchi's apprehension, (y/n) stepped closer, their voice softening. "Yamaguchi, remember that you're not alone out there. The entire team is behind you, supporting you every step of the way. Trust in your training, trust in yourself, and embrace this opportunity to grow. We're all cheering for you."

Yamaguchi's eyes met (y/n)'s, a mix of gratitude and determination flickering within them. (Y/n) knew that the freckled teen had it in him to rise to the occasion, to deliver a serve that could make a difference in the match. The outcome was uncertain, but (y/n) believed in his potential to seize this moment and prove himself as a valuable asset to the team.

The deafening whistle pierced the air, signaling the substitution of Hinata for the anxious first-year Yamaguchi. As his feet crossed over the line onto the court, (y/n) could immediately sense the immense pressure and intensity of the match taking its toll on him. Yamaguchi's body tensed up, and (y/n) could see the tremor in his movements, a clear reflection of the weight on his shoulders.

Quivering with nerves, Yamaguchi made his way over, clumsily bouncing the ball in his hands, only for it to slip from his grip and roll away. Sensing his unease, Sugawara, Ennoshita, and Nishinoya, who were warming up on the sidelines, decided to intervene. In an attempt to lift Yamaguchi's spirits, they spontaneously struck ridiculous poses, their faces contorted into exaggerated expressions of encouragement. It was a lighthearted gesture meant to convey their belief in him and to alleviate some of the tension in the air.

Meanwhile, on the court, the other Karasuno players tried their best to maintain a stoic demeanor, not wanting to reveal their own nerves. Their eyes darted between Yamaguchi and the opponent's side, aware of the crucial role his serves would play in turning the tide of the match. The collective hope and anticipation hung in the air, intertwining with the anxiety that gripped Yamaguchi's every fiber.

As the whistle blew once more, signaling the start of his serve, (y/n) observed Yamaguchi with bated breath. The ball left his trembling hand and floated into the air, lacking the usual spin and precision that he had honed during countless hours of practice. It was a manifestation of his inner turmoil, a reflection of the pressure he felt in that moment.

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