Chapter 18: Let's Go To Tokyo

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Keishin held the phone to his ear, his voice rising in disbelief as he listened to his grandfather's audacious proposal. "So, let me get this straight, Nekomata wants me to send (y/n) off to Tokyo for the weekend so she can work with Nekoma? Is he insane?" His frustration seeped into his words, reflecting the protective nature he felt towards his younger sister.

As the conversation unfolded, Keishin's mind raced with concerns and questions. He couldn't fathom the idea of (y/n) traveling alone to Tokyo, a city she hadn't visited in years. Anxiety crept into his thoughts as he contemplated the potential risks and uncertainties she might face. Where would she stay? What if she got lost in the vastness of the metropolis? Keishin's protective instincts surged, overpowering his initial skepticism.

His grandfather's voice came through the phone, assuring Keishin of his intentions. "Well yes, I want the Battle of the Garbage Dump to happen too... Yes... Yes," Ikkei's words rang through the receiver, his determination evident. Keishin couldn't deny the allure of such a significant showdown between Karasuno and Nekoma, but the concerns for (y/n)'s well-being weighed heavily on his mind.

Drawing in a deep breath, Keishin finally voiced his worries to his grandfather. "Gramps, are you okay with sending her off alone? I mean, she hasn't been to Tokyo in years! What if she gets lost? And where will she be staying?" His tone conveyed a mix of protectiveness and genuine concern for his sister's safety.

A brief pause followed before Ikkei responded, his voice emanating a sense of reassurance. Keishin's eyebrows furrowed as he absorbed the words of his grandfather. He nodded, silently acknowledging the trust he placed in his sister's capabilities and resilience. "I see. Alright, well, I'll ask her and see what she thinks," Keishin replied, his tone slightly subdued.

As he hung up the phone, Keishin released a sigh, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. He knew (y/n) possessed incredible talent and would relish the opportunity to work closely with Nekoma. But as her older brother, his instinct was to shield her from any potential harm or discomfort.

Deep down, Keishin recognized the significance of this opportunity. It wasn't just about the rivalry between their teams; it was about (y/n) stepping into the spotlight and showcasing her skills on a grander stage. As he pondered the weight of his decision, Keishin resolved to have an honest conversation with (y/n) and respect her wishes, understanding that his sister had grown into a capable and independent individual.

The prospect of (y/n) journeying to Tokyo ignited a mix of anxiety and excitement within Keishin. He couldn't help but wonder how this experience would shape her and what new doors it might open for her future. With a renewed sense of determination, Keishin steeled himself to discuss the proposition with his beloved sister, ready to support her in whatever decision she made.

Glancing over into the living room, Keishin's eyes fell upon (y/n) engrossed in her work, fervently sketching attack formations for the team. A mixture of pride and concern welled up within him as he watched her dedication to the sport they both loved. He knew it was time to broach the topic that had been weighing heavily on his mind.

With a resigned sigh, Keishin settled down on the couch next to his sister, lighting a cigarette. (Y/n) wrinkled her nose in response to the acrid scent and voiced her disapproval. "Get your nasty stink stick away from me," she admonished him playfully.

Keishin rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile at her remark. Taking a drag from his cigarette, he prepared himself for the conversation ahead. "Oh, deal with it, Jinx. Anyway, I have a question for you," he began, his tone turning serious.

(Y/n) turned towards him, setting aside her sketches and giving him her undivided attention. Keishin couldn't help but feel a pang of pride at the maturity she displayed, her determination shining through her eyes.

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