Chapter 44: Shiratorizawa

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As the upcoming exams drew closer, (y/n) and the dynamic first-year duo, Hinata and Kageyama, decided to pay a visit to Yachi's place for a study session. It provided a refreshing change of pace for (y/n) to work with someone who brought a positive and supportive energy, unlike the constant banter and teasing she had grown accustomed to from the boys.

Seated around Yachi's dining table, covered in textbooks and notes, the atmosphere was one of focused determination. (Y/n) had brought along her trusty laptop, ready to provide additional resources and explanations whenever needed. Yachi's spacious and cozy living room served as the perfect backdrop for their study session.

As they delved into the materials, Hinata's eyes widened, and he let out an audible gasp. "Wait, (y/n)-san, you mean I don't have to memorize all of this? I can just understand the concepts?"

Chuckling softly, (y/n) nodded. "Absolutely, Hinata. Understanding the underlying concepts is the key to tackling any exam. It helps you connect the dots and apply your knowledge in a meaningful way."

Kageyama, always striving for perfection, leaned forward, his brow furrowed in concentration. "So, it's not just about getting the right answers but also explaining how you arrived at them?"

"You've got it, Kageyama," (y/n) affirmed with a smile. "Exams are not just about regurgitating facts. They test your ability to think critically and demonstrate your understanding of the subject matter. So, don't stress too much about memorization. Focus on comprehension and practice applying your knowledge."

Yachi, who had been quietly absorbing their conversation, chimed in. "It's like what we've been doing in volleyball, right? It's not just about hitting the ball but understanding the strategy and executing it effectively."

"Exactly!" (y/n) exclaimed, impressed by Yachi's insightful observation. "Volleyball and academics have more in common than you might think. Both require dedication, discipline, and a solid understanding of the fundamentals."

As the study session progressed, (y/n) and Yachi guided Hinata and Kageyama through various subjects, breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms and providing real-life examples to aid their comprehension. With each passing hour, the boys' confidence in their exam preparations grew, bolstered by their newfound understanding.

As they finally closed their textbooks, Hinata let out a satisfied sigh. "I never thought studying could actually be enjoyable!"

Kageyama nodded in agreement, a rare smile gracing his face. "Thanks, (y/n)-san, Yachi-san. You've made everything so much clearer. I feel like I can take on any question now."

(Y/n) beamed with pride, appreciating the growth and determination she witnessed in the boys. "I have no doubt that you both will do great. Just remember to stay calm, trust in your abilities, and apply what you've learned."

"You're the best!" Hinata exclaimed, his excitement contagious.

As they packed up their study materials, a sense of accomplishment filled the room. The once-daunting exams now seemed within reach, and the trio knew they had each other's backs. Their hard work and dedication had paid off, instilling them with newfound confidence.

Enjoying the pleasant warmth of the breeze, (y/n) absentmindedly played with Kenta, feeling a sense of contentment settle over her. She glanced up, her attention caught by the sound of a deep voice resonating through the air. Her heart skipped a beat as she locked eyes with none other than Ushijima Wakatoshi, the formidable ace of Shiratorizawa.

Kenta's bark broke her trance, snapping her back to reality. Confusion tinged with excitement flooded her mind as she witnessed Hinata and Kageyama, her dynamic duo, dashing off after Ushijima. Left in the wake of their sudden departure, (y/n) exchanged a bewildered look with Yachi, who appeared equally surprised and concerned.

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