Chapter 99: The Next Opponent

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The match came to an end and everyone said their thanks to the supporters, as the Karasuno team started to clean up and make their way out, they heard the sounds of the match on the court next to them. Aoba Johsai vs Date Tech. Whoever won this match, would be their next opponent.

They all took a moment to watch, Futakuchi managed to receive Oikawa's serve but it became a free ball for Aoba Johsai. Kindaichi went for the spike but Aone managed to block him. It looked like an intense match.

As Hinata was showing his support for Aone, (y/n) couldn't help but notice someone new on the Date Tech team, he appeared to be their new setter and he was a giant too!

"Ah! Daichi-san!" Tanaka suddenly exclaimed causing everyone to look at the exit of the courts, there stood Daichi with Yachi by his side.

"Uhh... Hey guys..." Daichi started as he scratched the back of his head "Sorry?"

Everyone instantly ran over to him, Sugawara starting to punch him in the stomach to express his enthusiasm.

As everyone started to fuss over him, Daichi made it clear he was fine "Next game, I'll put in twice the effort to make up for taking a game off."

After that he started to shoo the hyperactive team members away, saying they needed to rest, but really, Daichi just wanted a moment with Ennoshita.

"I got to watch the tail end of your game. It was right about when you hit the 20-point mark or so." Daichi started "I first wanted to rush back in as soon as they let me go, but, when I saw how you were all playing, I knew I would just break your rhythm. I watched that last rally too, that was a sweet save at the end, Ennoshita, well done."

"U-uh, t-thank you." Ennoshita thanked his senpai, before hurrying off to the bathroom.

'That's a lot to handle... Getting such a compliment from the captain... But he did really well...' (y/n) looked at him with a proud smile.

As (y/n) started to follow the others up the stairs to go watch the matches form the stands, she saw Yamaguchi making his way back down.

'Seems like he needs a moment too...' (y/n) thought before speaking up "Take all the time you need, Yamaguchi, make sure you're ready for our next match, we're gonna need you."

Yamaguchi instantly turned back to look up at (y/n), tears were starting to form in the corners of his eyes, but he still managed to reply "Yes!"

As the Karasuno gathered in the stands, they continued to watch the second set of the match between Aoba Johsai and Date Tech. Suddenly, the third years from Date Tech joined them in the stands, questioning how their team was doing.

"Uhm... The first set went to Aoba Johsai..." (y/n) spoke up, answering their questions.

"Geh! Karasuno!" The former Date Tech captain shouted out.

"Uh... Hey..." Daichi greeted them.

The former members of the Date Tech team settled with their fellow supporters, who were sitting next to the Karasuno team.

Everyone continued to watch the match, noticing Futakuchi struggling with his new rookie setter, (y/n) couldn't help but chuckle.

"That's our brand new super weapon!" Moniwa, the previous Date Tech captain, started "The Giant Setter Koganegawa!"

Hinata and Kageyama seemed very impressed with this, (y/n) started laughing again "He sure makes a lot of mistakes for a super weapon."

As if on cue, Koganegawa messed up a set for Aone, he sent the ball towards his own coach.

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