Chapter 3: Against Nekoma

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After all the introductions were over, Takeda brought (y/n) a change of clothes, it was from the girls' club, but they weren't using it. Grabbing the jersey and spandex, (y/n) ran off with Kiyoko to get changed.

Kiyoko showed (y/n) the way to the clubroom where she told (y/n) about an empty locker that she could use. While (y/n) was changing into the new outfit, Kiyoko talked about her own experiences with the club and some things that had happened during the year whilst (y/n) was still stuck in (country).

'So, they already had a practice match against a strong school.' (y/n) thought after hearing about the match against Seijoh 'But, it sounds like they only won the game because their captain wasn't playing from the start. They sound like a tough team to beat in a real match.'

(Y/n) had her work cut out for her if she wanted to help these boys get better.

As (y/n) finished changing into the new outfit, Kiyoko smiled at her and said, "You look great! That jersey suits you well."

"Thanks, Kiyoko-senpai. I appreciate your help," (y/n) replied, adjusting her shorts.

Kiyoko chuckled softly. "No problem. It's nice to have another girl on the team. I'm sure you'll be able to help those boys."

"Thank you, you're very sweet, Kiyoko-senpai." (y/n) said, smiling at her new friend.

Kiyoko smiled back. "It's just the kind of person I am. And I think you and I are going to be great friends."

"I hope so too," (y/n) said, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie with Kiyoko.

As (y/n) made her way back to the gymnasium with Kiyoko, she felt a newfound determination to help the boys improve their skills and prepare for the upcoming match. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was ready to give it her all.


While Keishin was off talking with Takeda, the boys took the opportunity to talk about their team's new addition.

"So, (y/n) is really pretty, huh?" Hinata chirped.

"Don't go using her name so casually, you idiot!" Kageyama smacked the shorter boy, getting flustered over the thought of using (y/n)'s first name.

"Oh look, the King is blushing, how cute." Tsukishima teased, causing the dark-haired boy to glare at him.

"But we can't call her Ukai, the coach will think we're talking to him!" Nishinoya piped up.

"Noya and Hinata might be right about this. We'll have to ask her what she prefers when she returns." Daichi said, getting everyone to calm down.

Still, the thought on all of their minds was that (y/n) was indeed adorable. Just the idea of seeing her in some spandex was enough to cause a few of the boys to blush red.

(Y/n) finally returned, a tight-fitting jersey and spandex revealing her figure for the boys to ogle at. Adjusting her shorts, (y/n) made her way over to them and stood between a cherry red Yamaguchi and Tanaka who was trying to hide his nosebleed.

"Before we start, uhm, how would you like us to address you." Asked Daichi awkwardly.

"Oh, right! You can all just call me (y/n)!' (y/n) responded "I really don't mind. I'm used to it, since everyone in (country) used my first name."

Cue Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata fainting over the honor of using (y/n)'s first name.

Finally, Kiyoko, Takeda and Keishin made their way back to the group. (Y/n) still wasn't too enthusiastic about being forced to help for this practice match instead of joining the girls' team, but she figured her brother must have a good reason for it and she wanted to know it now.

"Alright Nii-chan, you better tell my why you're so determined on having me help out for this practice match." (y/n) spoke up "I mean, you did say you were just a temporary coach."

"It's against Nekoma." Keishin simply replied.



"Well why didn't you just say so?!" (y/n) shouted out "Let's go! We're gonna crush Grandpa Neko's team! Come on guys, let's get going already!"

'Figured that was all she needed to hear.' Keishin thought to himself, snickering at his sister's sudden surge of energy.

(Y/n) grabbed Daichi's and Kageyama's hand as she started dragging them towards the court, leaving them as blushing stuttering messes trailing behind her. The others joined them on the court, some a little jealous at the contact their captain and setter were having with (y/n).

Kageyama and Sugawara stood ready for (y/n)'s and Nishinoya's receives, so that the others could see what they needed to learn. Keishin spiked a ball towards (y/n), her eyes homed in on the ball whilst she lowered herself to perfectly receive the ball, sending it towards Sugawara.

"That's what I want you all to learn." Keishin stated "Since Noya seems to have no idea how to explain how you should receive, I want (y/n) to work with Tsukishima and Hinata, since you two are our weakest receivers. Daichi, you and Noya can work with the others."

"Alright." Some of the boys gritted their teeth at the thought of the two first years getting so much of (y/n)'s attention.

For today, (y/n) wanted to see what the receives of the two were like, so she had them receiving some of her spikes. It didn't take long for her to realize her brother was right, these two really needed to improve.
She tried to give them some pointers and tips on how to position themselves when they're about to receive a ball.

"The way you position yourself is very important." (y/n) started "It will help in redirecting the ball towards the setter."

Hinata seemed very interested in what she had to say, he was very eager to learn and improve whilst Tsukishima kept a neutral attitude towards it all.

"Alright, that's it for today." Keishin called out "Everyone, clean up and head out. You're cleaning too, (y/n)."

"Ugh, fine." (y/n) replied, muttering more to herself than to her brother.

Grumbling, she went with Kiyoko to grab some brooms while the boys started collecting the balls. As (y/n) walked away, many took the chance to glance at her retreating figure and wonderful behind, blushing at the sight of her and Kiyoko next to each other.

Keishin was talking with Takeda when he noticed the red faces of the boys. Snickering, he just shook his head.

'This is going to be interesting.'

After all the cleaning was over, (y/n)'s first day with the club had ended and tomorrow she would be officially starting her first day at Karasuno High.

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