Chapter 48: Evening Stroll

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"-san... (y/n)-san."

With a groan, (y/n) reluctantly opened her eyes, feeling a slight disorientation as she adjusted to the waking world. The blurriness gradually subsided, revealing Kenma's figure standing before her with his usual aloof expression.

"It's time for dinner," Kenma informed her, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement at her groggy state.

(Y/n) yawned and rubbed her eyes, feeling the lingering effects of her nap. "Thanks, Kenma," she mumbled, her voice still laced with drowsiness.

As she stretched and sat up, a newfound energy surged through her body. The short rest had invigorated her, leaving her feeling refreshed and ready to take on the evening ahead. Kenta, who had also awakened from his slumber, darted out of the room, his tail wagging in excitement. (Y/n) couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm.

Seizing the opportunity, she reached out and grabbed Kenma's hand, her touch surprising him momentarily. Sensing his discomfort, she quickly reassured him with a warm smile and a gentle squeeze.

"Come on, Kenma. Let's head to dinner together," she suggested, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

Kenma's gaze shifted away, seemingly uncomfortable with the closeness. However, much to (y/n)'s delight, he surprised her by handing over a video game.

"Here," he mumbled, averting his eyes. "I can control this side, and you control that side. Let's work on it together."

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly accepted the game. It was a small yet significant gesture from the usually reserved Kenma, and she appreciated his willingness to engage in an activity together.

They walked side by side, the evening air carrying a refreshing crispness that invigorated their senses. As they strolled along, (y/n) couldn't help but steal glances at Kenma, noticing the faintest hints of excitement playing on his usually calm features. It was a rare sight, one that made her heart flutter with delight.

With the video game in hand, they found a cozy spot where they could sit and play. As they dove into the virtual world, their fingers worked in harmony, strategizing and overcoming challenges together. The intense focus on the game blended with their shared laughter, forging a unique bond between them.

In between their gaming session, their conversation blossomed, allowing them to delve into their shared interests, favorite games, and even their aspirations. The once awkward silence transformed into a comfortable camaraderie, strengthened by their shared moments of triumph and defeat.

Time seemed to slip away unnoticed as they immersed themselves in the game, their laughter echoing in the evening air. It was a simple yet profound connection, a testament to the power of shared experiences and the genuine connections that could form in unexpected places.

Eventually, hunger gnawed at their stomachs, reminding them of the approaching dinner. Reluctantly, they saved their progress and carefully packed up the game. As they stood up, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude towards Kenma. He had opened up a part of himself that few were privy to, and she cherished the bond they had formed through their mutual love for gaming.

"Thank you, Kenma," she said sincerely, looking into his eyes. "That was really fun. I appreciate you sharing this with me."

Kenma's cheeks tinted with a subtle blush, and he nodded in response, his typically stoic expression softening. With a newfound warmth in their hearts, they walked together towards the inviting aromas of dinner, knowing that their newfound friendship had the potential to bring even more delightful moments in the future.

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