Chapter 102: Let The Rematch Begin

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The much-anticipated match against Aoba Johsai had finally arrived, casting a charged atmosphere over the arena. The Karasuno team stood at the ready, their determination palpable as they faced their rivals once again. Excitement and nerves mingled, the weight of their previous encounter and the progress they had made since then hanging heavily in the air.

Even the Seijoh members had to admit that Karasuno seemed different this time. Observing the focused expressions and confident stances of the Karasuno players, they couldn't help but sense a newfound determination radiating from them. It was as if each player carried a silent promise that they wouldn't let history repeat itself.

However, amidst the serious energy, an incident broke out. Oikawa and Kageyama both lunged for the same stray volleyball that was rolling around the court. Their competitive spirits immediately sparked an argument, their voices rising as they argued about who would come out on top. In a surprising move, Oikawa turned his charismatic charm up a notch, using it to unbalance Kageyama. The result was the younger setter tumbling backward, his momentum carrying him in an unexpected direction, while Oikawa laughed heartily at the scene he had orchestrated.

"Kageyama, get up!" (y/n) shouted at him, her voice a mix of concern and determination. She wasn't going to let Oikawa's antics affect their focus.

"Y-yes!" Kageyama responded, quickly regaining his footing and taking a few steps away from Oikawa, his determination unwavering.

"(Y/n)-chan! Why don't you come sit on our side during the match? We'll be much more fun to work with!" Oikawa called out with his trademark grin, attempting to charm her over.

(Y/n) let out a resigned sigh but remained resolute. "No way, Oikawa-senpai. I'll always be a crow."

The playful antics didn't stop there. Yahaba, ever the enthusiastic spirit, attempted to capture the attention of the girls on Karasuno's side. He rolled a ball in their direction, hoping to create a moment of friendly interaction. However, before the ball could reach them, Kiyoko exhibited her impeccable reflexes, knocking it out of the way with practiced ease.

"Oh, wow, nicely done Kiyoko-senpai!" (y/n) praised with a genuine smile, her nod of approval expressing her admiration.

Seeing that Yahaba's attempt had failed, Tanaka decided to intervene, retrieving the ball and tossing it back to the Seijoh player with a playful yet intimidating grin. It was his way of asserting their unity and readiness for the match.

As the time came to decide which team would serve and which would receive first, the captains of each team stepped forward to join the referees. Daichi, representing Karasuno, took the responsibility and made the call, choosing for his team to serve first.

With the teams lined up and ready to begin the match, Keishin, as always, found the perfect words to encourage his players. "Go out there and prove that you're better than that loss," he said, his voice both firm and inspiring.

On the other side of the court, Seijoh's team huddled together, their expressions a mix of determination and anticipation. Oikawa, as their captain, led the huddle, acknowledging that Karasuno was a formidable opponent they couldn't afford to underestimate.

In a departure from their usual dynamic, the other third-year Seijoh players chimed in with words of faith in Oikawa's abilities. Iwaizumi, known for his stern demeanor, even offered a rare display of confidence in his friend's skills.

"Screw it up, and you owe me a bowl of ramen," Iwaizumi declared, a challenge hidden in his words.

"I'll take an extra-large char siu bowl," Hanamaki added with a grin, fully entering into the playful spirit.

"With pot stickers on the side!" Matsukawa chimed in, chuckling.

Amid the camaraderie, Iwaizumi added a condition with a smirk, "And remember, the serve doesn't count if it barely clears the net. It has to be a good one."

The other Seijoh players eagerly joined in, sharing their food preferences in a light-hearted exchange. Throughout it all, Oikawa's smile remained soft, a silent testament to the bond he shared with his teammates.

Finally, the moment they had all been waiting for arrived. Oikawa stepped back to take his position for the first serve. The tension in the air was almost tangible as the players prepared themselves for the impending showdown. The arena was filled with an expectant hush as the whistle blew, marking the beginning of the match. Oikawa's serve crossed the net with power and precision, immediately challenging Karasuno's defense.

Daichi's determination came into play as he managed to barely receive the serve, sending the ball over the net in a desperate attempt. Kindaichi from Seijoh saw his chance and aimed to slam the ball down for a quick point, but Kageyama's swift reflexes came to the rescue, keeping the ball in play. Since Kageyama was the one to touch the ball, he wouldn't be able to set it, but Nishinoya, who had been honing his setting skills, managed to step in and successfully set the ball up. Asahi, Karasuno's ace, wasted no time and delivered a powerful spike that found its mark on Seijoh's side, scoring the first point of the match for Karasuno.

A wave of excitement and cheers erupted from the Karasuno supporters, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch. With that first point secured, the stage was set for the rematch to unfold. The anticipation in the air was electric as both teams prepared to give it their all, proving once again that the world of high school volleyball was in for an intense, exhilarating, and unforgettable showdown. The tension was palpable, the determination unwavering. Let the rematch begin!

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