Chapter 144: Post Match Antics

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The match's final whistle echoed through the gymnasium, marking Karasuno's hard-fought victory. As the players gathered to express their gratitude to the cheering crowd, (y/n) joined them, bowing deeply in appreciation. Amidst the reverent atmosphere, a soft melody of notifications chimed from her bag, drawing her attention. Retrieving her phone, (y/n)'s eyes lit up as she beheld a flood of congratulatory messages from various corners.

Among the texts, there were heartfelt words from her friends:

Congratulations on the win, (y/n)-san! You and Karasuno really brought your A-game today. Let's have a rematch soon! - Kindaichi

Impressive victory, (y/n))san. Your determination on the court is truly admirable. We look forward to facing you again in the future. - Ushijima

Well done, (y/n)-san! Your performance was outstanding. We may not have made it this time, but we'll be cheering you on from the sidelines. - Koganegawa

Each message carried a unique sentiment, reflecting the bonds forged through fierce competition and mutual respect. For (y/n), seeing the support from not only her teammates but also rivals and friends alike, brought a radiant smile to her face, infusing her with a sense of camaraderie and gratitude.

As (y/n) and the Karasuno players made their way off the court, a woman wielding a microphone approached, her eyes gleaming with eagerness for an interview. With a flicker of curiosity, she directed her attention toward the team's remarkable first-years, her voice laced with anticipation as she posed the question, "And you are?"

Hinata, ever the embodiment of unfiltered honesty, responded with his characteristic enthusiasm, "I'm hungry!" he declared, his stomach likely still rumbling from the intensity of the match.

Tsukishima, always one to embrace his dry wit, deadpanned, "Tired. Not that it's surprising after that match," his monotone delivery punctuated by a subtle eye-roll.

Yamaguchi, his nerves perhaps still tingling from the adrenaline rush of the game, admitted with a sheepish grin, "Anxious, but in a good way. It's hard not to be, you know?"

Meanwhile, Kageyama, perpetually stoic and focused, simply stated, "Fine," his response concise and to the point.

A bemused expression flickered across (y/n)'s features as she listened to their responses, a mixture of amusement and exasperation evident in her eyes. "Really, guys?" she couldn't help but mutter under her breath, her palm meeting her forehead in a subtle facepalm.

Before the situation could descend into further chaos, Daichi, the dependable captain, interjected with a reassuring smile, smoothly steering the conversation back on track. "Allow me to properly introduce them," he offered, his voice carrying authority and warmth as he proudly declared, "These are the talented first year members of the Karasuno High volleyball team."

The first-years, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected scrutiny, exchanged sheepish glances before nodding in realization. With a collective sigh of relief, they straightened their postures, understanding dawning upon them as they prepared to represent their school with dignity and pride.

Turning her attention to the task at hand, (y/n) joined Yachi and Kiyoko in distributing bento boxes to the weary players, the aroma of freshly prepared meals wafting through the air. "Here you go, Hinata," she said with a gentle smile, handing him a neatly packed box filled with his favorite snacks. "Make sure to refuel properly before the next match."

Yachi, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, eagerly presented a box to Tsukishima, her voice bubbling with excitement. "I included some extra protein for you, Tsukishima-kun! You were amazing out there."

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