Chapter 22: Second Day In Tokyo

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Beep Beep! Beep Beep!

The incessant sound of her alarm clock shattered the tranquility of (y/n)'s slumber, rudely pulling her away from the depths of sleep. Disoriented and still half-asleep, she instinctively reached out, desperately searching for the snooze button. Her hand collided with the bedside table, but the irritating beeping persisted. Frustration surged through her as she realized the alarm clock was not where she expected it to be.

With a grumble of annoyance, (y/n) reluctantly swung her legs over the edge of the bed and rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. As her vision cleared, she scanned the hotel room, locating the source of the obnoxious noise on the desk across the room.

"Of course," she muttered to herself, mentally scolding her past self for her sleep-addled logic. "I thought I was being clever by placing it over there to resist the temptation of hitting snooze."

Dragging her tired body toward the clock, (y/n) silenced the blaring alarm, allowing the room to settle into a comforting silence once more. She took a moment to stretch, feeling the satisfying pops and cracks as her muscles awakened from their slumber. Determined to make the most of the day, she made her way to the window, drawing back the curtains to reveal the gentle glow of dawn spreading across the horizon.

The soft hues of pink and orange cast a warm glow over the cityscape, painting a breathtaking backdrop for the start of a new day. The beauty of the scene breathed life into (y/n)'s weary bones, infusing her with a renewed sense of energy and purpose. She knew that today held its own set of challenges and adventures, and she was ready to face them head-on.

Eager to embrace the day's endeavors, (y/n) swiftly moved about the room, shedding her sleepwear and donning a comfortable set of workout clothes. She meticulously gathered her belongings, ensuring she had everything she would need for the day ahead—her notebook filled with the strategies she and Kenma had diligently worked on, her water bottle to stay hydrated, and a few snacks to keep her fueled during breaks.

As she took one last look around the room, her gaze fell upon the bed where she had peacefully slept just moments ago. A pang of nostalgia washed over her, reminiscing about the dreams and thoughts that had occupied her mind during those precious hours of rest. With a bittersweet smile, she mentally tucked them away, knowing that the waking world held promises and possibilities far greater than any dream.

Ready to seize the day, (y/n) took a deep breath, letting the anticipation of what lay ahead fill her lungs. The hotel room seemed to buzz with a vibrant energy, echoing the beat of her eager heart. With renewed determination, she stepped out into the world, prepared to face the challenges, connections, and triumphs that awaited her in the realm of volleyball and beyond.

Once (y/n) had gathered all her belongings, she made her way down to the lobby, her footsteps echoing softly in the stillness of the morning. As she descended the stairs, her eyes instantly caught sight of a familiar figure—a yawning Yaku, rubbing his eyes and stretching his arms, as if trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. A small smile tugged at the corners of (y/n)'s lips as she approached him, her voice laced with drowsiness.

"Morning, Yaku-senpai," she greeted him in a voice still tinged with sleepiness.

Yaku's tired eyes widened momentarily, a mix of surprise and amusement flickering across his face. He let out a soft chuckle before responding, his voice gentle yet firm.

"Morning. And don't worry about the whole senpai thing, just call me Yaku," he said, his tone inviting and reassuring.

The blush that crept up (y/n)'s cheeks was impossible to ignore as she nodded shyly, her words stumbling out in agreement. Yaku couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through his chest at her bashful response, finding her endearing in a way that made his heart skip a beat.

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