Chapter 108: Before The Match

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The Karasuno team made their way back to the gymnasium, their steps filled with a mix of excitement and nerves as they prepared for the final match against Shiratorizawa. The weight of the upcoming challenge hung in the air, but the camaraderie among the team helped to dispel some of the tension.

Kenta, always the bundle of energy, bounded around them, his joyful barks motivating everyone for the tough battle ahead. His boundless enthusiasm was contagious, and even the most reserved players couldn't help but crack smiles. (Y/n) couldn't help but giggle at her pup's antics, her laughter blending with the excited chatter of the team.

Amidst this whirlwind of emotions, (y/n) spotted the girls' team approaching, led by their captain, Michimiya. As they drew closer, Michimiya's usually confident demeanor seemed to waver, and she fidgeted with a small object in her hand.

(Y/n) observed Michimiya's behavior and couldn't help but notice her shyness. It was evident that Michimiya had something important to convey to Daichi but was struggling to find the words. Sensing her hesitation, (y/n) decided to step forward.

"Hey, Michimiya-senpai," (y/n) greeted her with a warm smile, "you look like you have something on your mind."

Michimiya's cheeks flushed slightly, and she nodded, her gaze briefly dropping to the small object she held. "Um, yeah. I... I made a good luck charm for Sawamura."

Daichi, standing nearby, turned his attention to Michimiya, his curiosity piqued. He could see that she was feeling a bit uneasy.

"That's really thoughtful of you," (y/n) said encouragingly. "I'm sure Daichi-senpai would appreciate it."

Michimiya took a deep breath and extended the charm toward Daichi. Her voice was soft but sincere as she said, "Sawamura, take this. It's a little charm I made for good luck. I hope it helps."

Daichi accepted the charm with a warm smile, his gratitude evident in his expression. He held it carefully in his hand, appreciating the gesture. "Thank you, Michimiya. We could use all the luck we can get today. Your support means a lot."

Michimiya's cheeks grew slightly redder, but she managed to return Daichi's smile. "You're welcome, Sawamura. Do your best out there, okay?"

Daichi nodded, his determination renewed by Michimiya's thoughtful gesture. As they prepared to enter the gymnasium, he held onto the charm, a silent reminder of the support and encouragement he had received from his fellow captain and friend.

Nearby, Aihara, the girls' team ace, took a moment to introduce Sasaki, one of her spirited teammates, to (y/n). Sasaki's enthusiasm was infectious, and she greeted (y/n) with a wide grin. "(Y/n)-san, it's great to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you. You're practically a legend around here!"

(Y/n) chuckled, her expression warm and friendly. "Well, I don't know about being a legend, but I've certainly had my share of memorable moments with this team. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sasaki-senpai."

Sasaki's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I can tell we're in for a great match today! The guys have been talking about facing Shiratorizawa like it's the battle of the century."

(Y/n) nodded, sharing in the anticipation. "It's a significant match for sure. Shiratorizawa is a formidable opponent, but Karasuno has a way of rising to the occasion."

As the conversation flowed, (y/n) felt the camaraderie among the volleyball players and their supporters. With the good luck charm in Daichi's hand and the cheers of their friends ringing in their ears, the Karasuno team walked into the gymnasium, ready to face the formidable challenge that awaited them in the form of Shiratorizawa.

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