Chapter 123: Lecture Morning

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As the golden rays of dawn spilled into her room, (y/n) readied herself for another day in the bustling rhythm of Sakanoshita Market life. The familiar symphony of morning—the clinking of dishes, the distant hum of customers—formed the backdrop to her daily routine.

In the heart of the market, where the aroma of fresh produce filled the air, (y/n) stood prepared to leave for school. The rhythmic chatter of shoppers and the soft rustle of merchandise enveloped her in the comforting cadence of daily life.

Just as she reached for the door, a burst of energy disrupted the ambient sounds—the arrival of Hinata, the spirited orange-haired middle blocker. His entrance, marked by a gust of wind and a cascade of cheerful greetings from other vendors, injected a lively spirit into the scene.

Naturally inclined to greet him with a warm smile and a morning salutation, (y/n) hesitated. A flicker of something unusual lingered in Hinata's expression, a fleeting shadow that caught her attention. A silent exchange transpired between them, her excitement tempered by the unspoken urgency in his demeanor.

As Keishin settled into a worn-out chair, the creaking wood echoed the weight of the impending conversation. The morning light streamed through the windows, casting a sober ambiance over the dimly lit corners of Sakanoshita Market. (Y/n) discreetly observed from behind a display of fresh vegetables, her intuition whispering that this initial lecture might merely be the prologue to a series of admonitions for the spirited orange-haired middle blocker.

Hinata, perched on a stool opposite the stern-faced coach, shifted uncomfortably, the anticipation of what lay ahead etched on his features. Keishin's eyes, usually warm with familiarity, now bore a seriousness that hinted at the gravity of the impending discussion.

The ambient sounds of market life—the distant haggling of vendors, the melodic clinking of coins—formed a distant backdrop, a stark contrast to the quiet tension enveloping the small corner where coach and player sat. As Keishin began his first lecture, his words carried the weight of experience and authority, each syllable a measured reminder of the responsibilities that accompanied the fervor for victory.

(Y/n), still discreetly observing, noted the subtle shifts in Hinata's expressions—the furrowed brow, the earnest nod, the occasional glance away as if seeking reprieve from the unwavering gaze of his mentor. It was a scene that transcended the ordinary routine of market life, a moment of mentorship and growth.

The lecture, though stern, resonated with an undercurrent of guidance and genuine concern. Keishin's words, delivered with a blend of tough love and unwavering support, painted a roadmap for improvement. As the dialogue unfolded, (y/n) couldn't help but sense that this coaching moment held the potential to shape not just Hinata's skills on the court but also his character off it.

In the hushed confines of the market, Keishin's lecture unfolded like a well-composed symphony, each note contributing to the crescendo of mentorship. And as the first lecture came to a close, (y/n) couldn't shake the feeling that this was merely the opening act of a transformative day for Hinata, one that would sculpt him into a better player and person.

After the weighty lecture concluded, (y/n) extended an understanding smile toward Hinata, her eyes filled with empathy. "Hey, let's walk to school together, okay? You know, for moral support," she suggested, her voice a soothing melody amidst the lingering tension.

Hinata, appreciating the offer, nodded with a grateful smile, his gratitude evident in the subtle lift of his shoulders. "Thanks, (y/n)-san. I could use the company," he admitted, the words carrying a hint of vulnerability.

As they strolled through the lively streets leading to school, the morning sun casting a warm glow on their path, (y/n) attempted to weave a tapestry of distraction with her words. "So, any plans for the weekend?" she inquired, a gentle attempt to shift Hinata's focus from the impending lectures.

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