Bonus Chapter: 'Noya-san is so cool! Why isn't he more popular?!'

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The Karasuno team was gathered in the gymnasium, having a club meeting to discuss a very important topic. Tanaka, despite his enthusiasm, was having a hard time spelling the word 'discussion' on the board, which elicited a few amused chuckles from the team.

Today's Topic of Disk-- Disus-- Agenda

'Noya-san is so cool! Why isn't he more popular?!'

Looking at the board, (y/n) couldn't help but sigh, thinking to herself, 'Why am I even here?'

"Gentlemen! And lovely lady! Let us hear your opinions!" Tanaka exclaimed as he smacked the board, trying to collect himself.

"Hinata, go ahead," Tanaka replied when Hinata jumped up, waving his hands eagerly.

"It's because he's too cool!" Hinata exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration. "You know how everyone has trouble talking to Shimizu-senpai because she's so awesome? I think this is the same thing."

"Shoyo!!" Nishinoya jumped up, clearly touched by the younger male's words.

"Maybe it's because of how tough he is on himself and other people," Daichi chimed in. "He expects the best out of everyone all the time."

"Staying around him too long makes it all the more obvious how small and incompetent a person you really are compared to him," Asahi added with a somewhat dejected look on his face.

Daichi and (y/n) exchanged a knowing glance before each placing a reassuring hand on the Ace's shoulder.

"Don't pity me!" Asahi called out, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Maybe, because he's, well..." Yamaguchi started, looking a bit uncomfortable with what he was about to say, "Because he's kinda childlike in some ways."

Sugawara instantly agreed, "Yeah, I could totally see him thinking a great idea for a date would be to go hunting crayfish and bugs by the river."

"That actually sounds kinda fun..." (y/n) mumbled more to herself, causing Sugawara to chuckle.

"Well... The only movies he'll ever go to watch are the ones that are wall-to-wall flashy action scenes," Tanaka considered. "And worse, he does kinda tend to shout and cheer for the good guys while the movie is playing..."

"It's because he's nois--" Tsukishima coughed in a fake attempt to cover up what he really wanted to say, "I mean, because he has a loud voice."

Nishinoya instantly jumped in, his fiery personality not allowing any hesitation, "Hey!! It's totally obvious you meant to say noisy! Don't try to deny it!"

"I don't think he's trying to deny anything..." (y/n) chuckled, enjoying the banter.

"It's because he's noisy and loud," Ennoshita stated without hesitation.

Kinnoshita and Narito couldn't hide their shocked expressions. "Yikes! Ennoshita really went there!"

As if to make matters worse, Kageyama suddenly questioned, without any harm meant, "Is it because he's short?"

The gym fell silent for a moment as everyone processed the question, unsure of how to respond. Nishinoya blinked a few times, not expecting that particular remark.


"After that day..." Hinata said in a very serious voice "... Kageyama was never seen or heard from again."

"Hey" Kageyama shouted from behind him "I just have to buy him an ice cream bar! No killing me off!"

Behind both of them, (y/n) couldn't contain her laughter. 'How I love these idiots!'

"Alright, alright, let's get back on track," Daichi said with a smile, trying to regain control of the meeting. "In the end, Nishinoya is just being himself, and that's why we all admire and respect him."

The team nodded in agreement, realizing that Nishinoya's unique personality was what made him so special to them. The discussion moved on to other topics, but throughout the meeting, the team couldn't help but tease Kageyama and his unintentionally blunt remarks.

As the meeting came to an end, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for the camaraderie and laughter shared among her teammates. Despite their different personalities and quirks, they were a family on and off the court.

As the team left the gymnasium, (y/n) found herself walking beside Nishinoya. "Hey, Nishinoya-senpai," she called, catching his attention.

"Yeah?" Nishinoya replied, looking curious.

"Don't ever change, okay? We love you just the way you are," she said sincerely, patting him on the back.

Nishinoya's eyes widened for a moment, but then a bright smile spread across his face. "Thanks, (y/n)-san! I promise, I'll always be the noisy and energetic libero you all know and love!"

With a warm feeling in her heart, (y/n) knew that with a team like this, they were ready to face any challenge that came their way, on and off the volleyball court. The bond they shared was unbreakable, and (y/n) wouldn't have it any other way.

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