Chapter 109: Karasuno VS Shiratorizawa - The First Set

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The Karasuno team had finally arrived at the court where they would face off against Shiratorizawa, the center court. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation and tension, and as (y/n) observed her fellow teammates, she couldn't help but chuckle at the various expressions that adorned their faces.

Some of the players were brimming with excitement, their eyes gleaming with the prospect of the match ahead. Others wore nervous expressions, their shoulders tense with the weight of the impending battle. And then there were those who couldn't help but steal glances at the cheerleaders from the Shiratorizawa team, their envious stares impossible to miss.

The pre-game commotion was nothing short of chaotic. Hinata, perhaps fueled by nervous energy, found himself in need of a bathroom break. Asahi, with a nervous stomach, clutched his abdomen while Yamaguchi sought out antacids to calm his nerves. Kageyama, on the other hand, was positively ecstatic at the prospect of playing on the center court, his excitement practically radiating from him.

In contrast, Tanaka and Nishinoya had their attention diverted by the Shiratorizawa cheerleaders, and their boisterous comments prompted Daichi to yell at them to focus.

Coach Takeda, ever the calming presence, tried to restore some order, but even he couldn't hide the anxiety etched on his face. Beside him, Keishin and (y/n) shared a moment of camaraderie, laughing at the chaos that seemed to follow Karasuno wherever they went.

The sudden commotion from the stands caught (y/n)'s attention. Saeko, Tanaka's spirited older sister, was shouting about finding a spy in their midst. However, it turned out to be none other than Tsukishima's older brother, who had come to watch the match.

Tsukishima, already in his characteristic state of annoyance, seemed further irritated by his brother's presence.

Finally, the formidable Shiratorizawa team made their entrance, a sight that could make anyone's heart skip a beat. They exuded an air of intimidation, and it was clear that they were not to be underestimated.

Ever the diplomat, (y/n) approached the Shiratorizawa players she had met on previous occasions with a warm and friendly demeanor. As she extended her greetings, she couldn't help but notice the stark contrast in their responses.

Ushijima, the formidable ace of Shiratorizawa, maintained his usual stoic composure. He regarded (y/n) with a nod and replied, "Good luck," in a tone that was as steady as his presence on the court.

Tendou, the wild-haired middle blocker known for his unpredictable antics, greeted her with a mischievous grin. "Ah, the Conniving Crow returns," he teased, "I've been looking forward to this."

Semi, the team's calm and collected setter, appeared somewhat exasperated by his classmate's eccentric behavior. He let out a sigh and offered a polite smile. "I apologize for his antics," he said to (y/n), his tone laced with a hint of amusement. "It's hard to rein him in sometimes."

Goshiki, the eager first-year who aspired to become the next ace of Shiratorizawa, exuded youthful enthusiasm. He beamed at (y/n) and declared confidently, "You'll see, I'll be the greatest threat on the court today. Just you wait."

The other members of Shiratorizawa, who had been observing this interaction, wore expressions of curiosity and mild confusion. They exchanged glances, silently wondering how their opponents from Karasuno seemed to have a connection with this spirited young woman. Their interest in (y/n) piqued, but they remained focused on the impending match, recognizing that Karasuno was not to be underestimated.

As (y/n) exchanged these greetings and pleasantries, she couldn't help but appreciate the diverse personalities within the Shiratorizawa team. Each player had their own unique quirks and strengths, and it was clear that they were a force to be reckoned with on the volleyball court. With the formalities out of the way, both teams prepared to face each other in what promised to be an intense and exhilarating match.

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