Chapter 55: Boredom

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The sun cast a soft golden glow into the hospital room as (y/n) found herself in a state of restlessness the following afternoon after her accident. Frustration lingered in the air, fueled by the monotonous hospital routine and the limitations of her confinement. The food provided was uninspiring, the television channels failed to captivate her interest, and the absence of familiar faces left her feeling isolated.

Determined to connect with her friends and loved ones, (y/n) resorted to calling Sugawara and the others, hoping to engage in lively conversations that could momentarily distract her from the confines of the hospital room. However, Nekomata, in his playful mischievousness, pretended that the reception was mysteriously fading, cutting off their communication abruptly. Letting out an exasperated groan, (y/n) sank deeper into the uncomfortable hospital bed, her mind racing with strategies to keep herself preoccupied.

As she mulled over potential distractions, her phone buzzed, signaling a new message. It was from her brother, Keishin, who informed her about an incident involving Hinata attempting to swipe a spike from Asahi, igniting a newfound desire in Hinata to spike with his eyes open. The message conveyed a sense of familiarity and warmth, reminding (y/n) of the ongoing camaraderie and growth within their volleyball team.

'They should figure this out on their own,' (y/n) thought to herself, pondering the situation. 'Maybe Gramps can offer some guidance if needed. Although Keishin could drive them there, it might be beneficial for them to navigate their challenges independently first. A bit of distance could provide them with fresh perspectives. But what concerns me more is how Asahi is affected by all this. He has already grappled with self-doubt as the ace in the past, and I don't want him to regress.'

Lost in her thoughts, (y/n) yearned to provide her insights and support to her teammates, feeling a surge of protectiveness toward Asahi. She longed to reassure him, to let him know that he was a vital pillar of their team and that his skills as the ace were admired and respected. The camaraderie they had built together held immense value, and she hoped they would find a way to resolve their differences and strengthen their bond.

With a determined glint in her eyes, (y/n) resolved to stay connected with her volleyball family, despite her physical limitations. She would continue to encourage and support them from afar, believing in their ability to overcome obstacles and grow as a team. And in doing so, she sought solace in the thought that she would be an instrumental part of their collective journey, even during her time of recovery.

An awkward cough resonated through the room, instantly drawing (y/n)'s attention away from her train of thoughts. To her delight, standing in the doorway was none other than Asahi, the very ace she had been contemplating just moments ago.

"Asahi-senpai!" (y/n) exclaimed, her face lighting up. "I'm so bored! Thank you for coming!"

Chuckling softly, Asahi approached (y/n)'s bedside, his presence exuding warmth and comfort. Carefully noticing that her ankle bandage was coming undone, he gently rebounded it, ensuring her comfort and well-being.

"It's good to see you're doing well," he said with a warm smile. "I was really worried when Noya told us what had happened, but Coach insisted that you needed to rest, so we weren't allowed to visit."

Grinning mischievously, (y/n) couldn't help but appreciate Asahi's endearing demeanor. 'He looks way too cute when he does that. Seriously, stop, or I'll end up smushing your cheeks,' she thought, playfully scolding herself for the distraction.

Snapping back to the conversation, (y/n) refocused her attention on Asahi's concerns about the incident involving Hinata.

"Asahi-senpai, I heard about what happened with Hinata," she began, her voice filled with genuine concern. "Are you alright?"

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