Chapter 30: Karasuno VS Date Tech

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The match against Date Tech was unfolding favorably for the Karasuno boys as they managed to maintain a slim lead. (Y/n)'s attention, however, was fixated on Asahi, knowing full well the significance of this particular match for him. It was against this very team that had shattered his confidence last year. The outcome of this match held immense importance for the second and third years, especially for Asahi, Sugawara, and Nishinoya.

Glancing over at the tall, grey-haired male, (y/n) noticed his restlessness as he stood on the sidelines. It was evident that Asahi yearned to be out on the court, supporting his team as their ace. But (y/n) also understood that he recognized Kageyama's exceptional skills and his suitability for this particular match.

Sugawara's eyes caught (y/n)'s gaze, and he immediately found solace in the soft smile and reassuring look she bestowed upon him. It was as if her silent message conveyed the unwavering belief she held in him, assuaging any doubts that had lingered in Sugawara's mind.

As the match progressed, (y/n) couldn't help but admire Asahi's remarkable growth. Even when his powerful spikes met with formidable blocks, he stood his ground, refusing to be deterred by the past. The fire of determination burned brightly in his eyes, prompting a warm smile to grace (y/n)'s face.

'He's grown,' (y/n) thought, marvelling at Asahi's unwavering resolve. She admired his ability to face his previous shortcomings head-on and emerge stronger, showcasing the indomitable spirit that defined the Karasuno team.

With each powerful swing of his arm, Asahi demonstrated not only his physical prowess but also the mental fortitude he had developed over time. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel a surge of pride for the towering spiker. She knew that his growth was a testament to his unwavering dedication and the unyielding support he received from his teammates.

As the match against Date Tech intensified, (y/n) remained a steadfast presence on the sidelines, her eyes unwaveringly focused on the players who fought with unwavering determination. She knew that their journey was far from over, and she was there to provide support and guidance every step of the way.

Just as the match between Karasuno and Date Tech was reaching a critical point, a jeer from a certain second-year player on the opposing team aimed at Asahi caught (y/n)'s attention. The words were meant to taunt and provoke, to make Asahi feel dejected after being blocked.

With a smile so saccharine it could curdle milk, (y/n) turned her gaze towards the Karasuno boys. Confusion washed over the faces of the Date Tech players until they witnessed the terror etched upon the features of their counterparts. (Y/n) gave a subtle signal, her thumb running across her neck in a chilling gesture, before her piercing (e/c) eyes unleashed a storm of fury upon the Date Tech wing spiker.

"Eh? Why is she staring at me like that?" Futakuchi mumbled, oblivious to the true meaning behind (y/n)'s piercing gaze. "She must think I'm cute or something."

Aone, ever observant, placed a reassuring hand on Futakuchi's shoulder, silently urging him to look towards the Karasuno team. What he saw made his heart skip a beat. The Karasuno players, trembling like leaves in a gust of wind, glared back at the second-year player with a ferocity that sent shivers down the spiker's spine. It was a collective warning, a silent agreement among the Karasuno team that if they didn't unleash a thunderous spike next to him within the next minute, their fury would be unleashed upon him in a different form.

"Guess not... well, damn," Futakuchi sighed, suddenly realizing the gravity of the situation. The once confident smirk on his face faded, replaced by a hint of trepidation.

Cue Tanaka, whose delinquent persona came to the forefront, fixing a gaze upon the Date Tech team that could bore holes into their very souls. The sheer intensity of his glare was enough to make the players on the opposing side question their life choices and fear for their own well-being.

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