Bonus Chapter: 'Armageddon Day'

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Another day, another movie directed by Ennoshita. This time, the set buzzed with anticipation as Ennoshita unveiled his latest project—a high-paced thriller where Bokuto played the hero destined to save the world from impending doom. (Y/n) found herself cast as the steadfast companion always by his side, a role she relished with a mix of excitement and nerves.

Hinata and Natsu, eager to support their friends, joined the production as extras, portraying civilians desperately seeking refuge amidst the chaos.

As the cameras rolled, Kuroo made a surprise visit to the set. Standing at the sidelines, he observed Bokuto's performance with a mixture of admiration and envy.

"Damn," Kuroo muttered under his breath, "Bokuto actually looks like somebody who could be a world-saving hero if he tried. Ticks me off."

Tsukishima, catching wind of Kuroo's remark, couldn't resist a smirk. "And here I thought you'd make a convincing underling in a secret organization plotting world domination."

Kuroo's smirk deepened into a knowing grin as he fixed his gaze on Tsukishima, his words laced with a playful yet sharp edge.

"And you, Tsukki," Kuroo drawled, his tone dripping with mischief, "would be the epitome of an enigmatic lieutenant in an evil organization, silently grappling with a moral dilemma that threatens to unravel your carefully constructed facade. Your internal struggle would simmer beneath the surface until it inevitably reaches a crescendo, leading to a climactic moment of redemption where you sacrifice yourself for the greater good."

Tsukishima's eyebrows shot up in incredulity, his annoyance palpable. "Are you serious?"

Kuroo's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Deadly serious, Tsukki. But don't worry, your demise would be nothing short of legendary—a poignant farewell that leaves a lasting impact on everyone who witnesses it."

"Excuse me?!" Tsukishima looked somewhat annoyed. 

Their banter was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ennoshita, who approached them with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"Great chemistry, guys! Wanna shoot that next?" Ennoshita offered, flashing a thumbs-up.

Before anyone could protest, Ennoshita continued, "And (y/n)-san, you'll play a crucial role in Tsukishima's character arc. You'll be the catalyst for his change of heart, driving the narrative forward."

(Y/n) let out an exasperated sigh. "Does that mean I get a break for once?"

Ennoshita's grin widened. "No rest for the wicked, (y/n)-san. But don't worry, your character's pivotal role will be worth it."

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