Chapter 60: A Walk In The Park

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As (y/n) sat on a bench in the park, she hummed a tune, allowing the gentle breeze to envelop her and ease her body's tension. She absentmindedly tossed a stick for Kenta, her loyal Shikoku pup. With a soft whine, the energetic dog returned, indicating that the stick had broken into several pieces.

Not one to be deterred, (y/n) stood up on her crutches, whistling for Kenta to join her. "Come on, buddy," she called out. "Let's find you a new stick to play with."

Kenta barked in agreement and followed (y/n) as they ventured through the park in search of a suitable replacement. However, using her crutches soon wore her out, and she grumbled under her breath at the inconvenience. Just as she was about to give up, a smile brightened her face as she spotted a perfectly sized stick for Kenta up ahead.

Bending down awkwardly, (y/n) struggled to maintain her balance on one leg while reaching for the stick. After a few attempts, she finally managed to grasp it, triumphantly waving it around for Kenta. But her victory was short-lived as an ear-splitting screech pierced her eardrums, causing her to wince in pain.

"(Y/n)-chan! What happened?! Oh my god, you poor thing!" A familiar voice exclaimed.

In a matter of seconds, (y/n) found herself being lifted off the ground and pulled into a strong chest as the stranger expressed his concern. Looking up, she realized it was none other than Oikawa, though he appeared at a loss for words when a ball was suddenly chucked at his head. Startled, (y/n) tumbled to the ground, with Oikawa still clutching onto her.

As she rubbed her sore behind, (y/n) turned her gaze towards the approaching figures of Kindaichi and Iwaizumi, who seemed to be scolding Oikawa. Blushing beet red, Iwaizumi's eyes widened when he saw (y/n) looking back at him, her crutches resting on the ground.

Concern etched on his face, Iwaizumi rushed over to help (y/n) stand, guiding her to a nearby bench while instructing Kindaichi to retrieve her crutches. Once seated, the third-year settled next to her, carefully placing her injured ankle on his lap.

"Damn, I'm sorry, (y/n)-san," he apologized sincerely. "Are you alright? I had no idea Trashykawa was running towards you."

"I'm fine, Iwaizumi-senpai," (y/n) reassured him with a small smile. "My butt's a little sore from being dropped, but other than that, I'm perfectly fine."

"How can you say that when you're on crutches, (y/n)-chan?!" Oikawa screeched, joining them on the bench. "And your beautiful face has a bandage on it!"

As Oikawa leaned in closer to inspect her ankle and forehead, (y/n) swatted his hand away and covered her cut with the cloth once more. Snickering, she teased him, while Kindaichi and Iwaizumi exchanged amused glances, silently acknowledging Oikawa's knack for overreacting.

"Here, (y/n)-chan, I'll hug you better!" Oikawa exclaimed, leaning in for an embrace.

But before he could reach her, Iwaizumi intervened, pulling him back and tossing him away with a mix of annoyance and anger. The ace and Kenta joined in, barking furiously and shaking their heads at Oikawa's foolishness. Seizing the opportunity, Kindaichi took a seat beside (y/n), feeling slightly awkward, and handed her the leash she had dropped during the commotion. He couldn't help but notice the grateful look in her eyes as she secured the leash and gave Kenta a gentle pat on the head.

"Thanks, Kindaichi," (y/n) said appreciatively, her voice warm and sincere. "You're always there to lend a hand."

Kindaichi smiled, feeling a surge of warmth at her words. He had always admired (y/n) from afar, and now, being able to help her in some way brought him a sense of fulfillment. Wanting to understand what had happened, he leaned closer, his voice filled with concern.

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