Chapter 17: See You Soon Nekoma

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As the bustling atmosphere of the gymnasium began to settle down, a palpable sense of camaraderie filled the air. The players from Karasuno and Nekoma exchanged heartfelt farewells, their voices reverberating through the spacious arena, a testament to the bonds forged on the court.

The echoes of victory and defeat intertwined, creating a symphony of emotions that resonated within each player's heart. Though they had battled fiercely, leaving everything on the court, there was an unspoken understanding that their rivalry went beyond mere competition. It was a mutual appreciation for the drive, determination, and unwavering spirit that both teams possessed.

Amidst the resounding cheers and laughter, the players embraced one another, their expressions a blend of exhaustion and exhilaration. They shared promises, their eyes sparkling with anticipation for the next encounter. It was an unbreakable bond that surpassed the boundaries of a single match, weaving together the threads of friendship and mutual growth.

Within this vibrant tapestry of emotions, (y/n) couldn't resist engaging in one last playful exchange with Nekomata. Their banter echoed through the gymnasium, drawing amused smiles from their teammates.

(Y/n) screeched at Nekomata once again, telling him the next match would be the one that would make the old frail cat retire for good. This resulted in him commenting on the fact that her entire family called her a Jinx.

Keishin and Naoi, as the responsible voices of reason, stepped in to defuse the situation, scolding both (y/n) and the old coach for their childish antics.

"You're both acting like children!" They scolded (y/n) and the old man.

"He/She started it!" They both cried out in unison.

Amid the scolding, (y/n) couldn't help but laugh, her laughter a testament to the genuine affection that lay beneath the surface of their spirited arguments. It was a connection forged over years of shared experiences and countless encounters, a bond that could weather any storm.

Taking one final look at the Nekoma team, (y/n) couldn't contain the warmth in her heart. With a bright smile, she called out to Nekomata, her words carrying a blend of playful challenge and sincere appreciation.

"Stay in good health, Grandpa Neko! Our rematch won't be any fun without you!" Her voice reverberated through the gymnasium, reaching the older coach who waved his hand in response. In that moment, Nekomata's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, touched by (y/n)'s genuine kindness. It was a reminder of the bond they shared, one that surpassed the boundaries of mere rivals.

For Nekomata, (y/n) was like a granddaughter, a cherished presence in his life. He had known her since she could barely walk, witnessing her growth and transformation both on and off the court. The arguments and disagreements they had were insignificant in the grand tapestry of their relationship. No matter what, he would always be Grandpa Neko to her, a source of wisdom and unwavering support.

And so, with hearts filled with determination and minds brimming with memories, the Karasuno and Nekoma boys departed, each carrying the promise of a future encounter that would redefine their rivalry. The echoes of their farewells lingered in the gymnasium, whispering of a new chapter yet to unfold, where they would continue to push each other to new heights and leave an indelible mark on their shared volleyball journey.


The Nekoma team settled into a relaxed atmosphere as they made their way back to Tokyo. The buzz of excitement from the game still lingered, intermingling with the conversations among the players. Some of them discussed the thrilling moments of the match, reliving the intense plays, while others couldn't help but talk about (y/n).

Inuoka, brimming with enthusiasm, couldn't contain his admiration as he animatedly described (y/n)'s on-court presence. "She's like bam! Then swoosh! You know?" he exclaimed, looking towards his captain for confirmation.

Kuroo, sporting his signature bedhead, chuckled at Inuoka's description. "Are those even actual words? But yeah, she's feisty and cute. What do you think, Kenma?" he asked, nudging the blonde-haired boy sitting beside him.

Kenma, briefly tearing his gaze away from his game, responded with a nonchalant shrug before refocusing on the screen. "She's nice. She gave me her phone number because she wanted game suggestions. We've been talking," he casually shared.

The declaration caused the rest of the team to erupt in disbelief. "Ehhhhh?" they exclaimed in unison, their eyes wide with astonishment. Yamamoto, unable to contain his curiosity, screeched, "How the hell did you manage this?"

Yaku, ever the composed and level-headed player, chimed in, "I got her number too. Well, she took mine, and we're in contact now." The revelation only added fuel to the fire of excitement and curiosity among the Nekoma players.

"What are you even talking about?" Kuroo asked, genuinely intrigued and a tad bit jealous of his friend's connection with (y/n).

Yaku responded matter-of-factly, "We've been discussing different games we've played as liberos. Sharing experiences and strategies." His straightforward explanation left the team in awe.

Yamamoto, unable to contain his excitement, demanded, "Yaku, give me her number!"

Yaku shot him down, not mincing words. "No way! If she wanted you to have it, she would have given it to you herself. Besides, let's be real, Yamamoto. You struggle when it comes to talking to girls."

The bantering caught the attention of Nekomata, who approached them, inquiring about the commotion. Kuroo swiftly filled him in on the situation, explaining how both Kenma and Yaku had managed to establish a connection with (y/n).

As Nekomata listened, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. He couldn't help but see the potential in (y/n)'s involvement with the team. However, he knew he had to tread carefully and seek permission first. His thoughts turned to Ikkei, (y/n)'s grandfather and the Karasuno coach.

'Oh, Ikkei would kill me if he knew my team had developed an interest in her. Still, she could be incredibly helpful for our training... I'll have to ask Ikkei if he's alright with it. After all, she is his granddaughter,' Nekomata pondered, his excitement growing.

Turning his attention back to the team, Nekomata addressed Yaku. "Yaku, give Naoi her number," he ordered the third-year libero, causing Yaku to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Why?" he asked.

Nekomata explained his plan, his eyes glinting with determination. "I'm going to try and convince her to come and help us train before the Interhigh preliminaries begin. She's not just a talented libero but also a strategic genius. If we have her insights and guidance, it would greatly increase our chances of facing Karasuno on the national stage. Of course, it will only happen if both Ikkei and Keishin agree and if Keishin allows us to borrow her for a few days," he elaborated.

The news electrified the team, their eyes lighting up with renewed hope and excitement. Yaku promptly handed over (y/n)'s number to their coach, mirroring the hopeful thoughts shared by his teammates.

'Please let her come to Tokyo,' Yaku silently pleaded, echoing the sentiments of every Nekoma player. They understood the immense value (y/n) could bring to their team, not just as a talented player but also as a bridge between two passionate rivals, united in their pursuit of greatness on the volleyball court.

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