Chapter 76: Final Training For Spring High

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"Okay, the Spring Tournament Preliminary rounds start tomorrow," Takeda declared, his voice filled with excitement. "If we win two games, we will advance to the qualifying rounds that begin in October."

Hinata, ever the bundle of energy, couldn't contain his curiosity. "Huh? We only get to play two games this time?" he asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

Sugawara, with his calm demeanor, chimed in to explain. "We made it to the top 16 during the Inter-High tournament," he said. "That means we get a pass for the first round."

Hinata's excitement soared. "Ohh! We're awesome!" he exclaimed, a bright smile spreading across his face.

"You certainly did great!" (y/n) chimed in, joining in the celebration. "We're very proud of all of you!"

Takeda's voice filled the gymnasium as he rallied the team. "With the skills you have and the training you've done, I'm sure you will win!" he exclaimed. "Let's go there and do what we always do—give it your all!"

Cheers erupted, filling the air with a wave of enthusiasm. The boys, fueled by their coach's words, headed to the court to warm up. (Y/n) made her way to the side, joining the managers.

"N-now come the r-real games," Yachi stammered, her nerves evident as she clutched her stomach. "I-I'm feeling a l-little nervous..."

"This is your first tournament, isn't it?" Kiyoko gently inquired, her reassuring presence offering comfort.

"Y-yeah," Yachi confirmed, her voice trembling slightly.

"Don't worry about the nerves," (y/n) interjected, offering words of reassurance. "You should see the team before a match—some of them get just as nervous as you are now, maybe even worse. To be honest, it's kinda funny to watch."

"Hehe, that's true," Kiyoko agreed with a soft smile. "But when the match starts, everything changes."

"Oh, really? I'm curious to see what it'll be like," Yachi said, her gaze fixed on the boys as they warmed up.

"Speaking of tournaments, for us third years, this will be our last one," Kiyoko spoke up, her tone tinged with nostalgia.

Both Yachi and (y/n) turned to their senpai, their expressions filled with sadness.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Please don't cry!" Kiyoko exclaimed, noticing their pained expressions.

"I-I'm n-not crying!" Yachi protested, a hint of embarrassment in her voice. "A-a mosquito flew in my eye, that's all..."

"A mosquito!?" Kiyoko questioned, surprised.

"It'll be fine. We'll make this tournament count," (y/n) assured them, her voice filled with determination. "Your last tournament will be your best one."

Both managers gazed at (y/n), inspired by her confidence and resolve. They watched as she walked over to the boys, ready to lend her support and guidance.

"Yeah, this will be the one," Kiyoko murmured, a gentle smile gracing her lips, as she continued to observe (y/n).

As the boys engaged in their serve practice, (y/n) noticed Yamaguchi focusing too much on where Nishinoya was standing. Unable to resist offering guidance, she called out to the freckled teen, her voice filled with encouragement.

"Yamaguchi, don't focus on where you don't want to hit the ball," (y/n) advised. "Focusing on that will make it land there, so focus on where you do want it to land."

Understanding dawning in his eyes, Yamaguchi nodded gratefully. "Right, thanks (y/n)-san!" he said, a smile of appreciation on his face.

"You've been working hard on your serves," (y/n) continued, her smile warm and encouraging. "Be confident in them, and you'll do great!"

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