Chapter 118: Tournament Preperation

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Under the gentle caress of dawn's golden hues, (y/n) meandered through the awakening school grounds alongside Hinata. The air bore a certain freshness, punctuated by the visible puffs of breath they shared in the brisk morning air. As they ambled, the hushed murmur of their footsteps was joined by the sudden appearance of one of Hinata's friends.

With a greeting that carried the camaraderie of shared memories, the trio found themselves entangled in a spontaneous conversation, a blend of nostalgia and newfound tales. Laughter echoed through the quiet corridors as they revisited the days of middle school, each anecdote painting a vivid picture of the spirited, orange-haired ball of energy that was Hinata.

Caught in the ebb and flow of their banter, (y/n) couldn't help but pick up on the subtle notes of loneliness that had threaded through Hinata's past. The animated tales of middle school volleyball seemed to carry both the warmth of camaraderie and the chill of solitude, and in those moments of reflection, (y/n) found a newfound appreciation for the vibrant spirit that now walked beside her.

In the middle of their morning stroll, just as the sun began to illuminate the school with its full radiance, a voice, as melodic as the early birds, called out to (y/n) and Hinata. It was Kiyoko, the team's dedicated manager, her presence weaving a sense of responsibility into the lightness of their banter.

"Hinata, (y/n)," Kiyoko's voice carried a subtle authority, "don't forget to swing by the gym after classes. We need to get your measurements for the tournament pamphlet."

Her words injected a sense of purpose into the day, a reminder that beyond the camaraderie and laughter, there were preparations to be made for the upcoming tournament. Hinata's eyes lit up with excitement, eager to be part of the tangible elements that marked their journey.

As they bid farewell to Hinata's friend, the conversation shifted to anticipation. "I wonder if they'll put our pictures in there too," Hinata mused, a gleam of childlike wonder in his eyes.

(Y/n) chuckled, "Probably, along with some dramatic captions about our killer spikes and incredible receives."

Hinata's grin widened at the thought. "We're gonna be famous!"

Out of the bustling school corridor, Kageyama materialized almost like an apparition, his competitive spirit evident in the spark in his eyes. Without preamble, he issued a challenge to Hinata, as though the day wouldn't be complete without a showdown.

"(Y/n)-san" - Hinata turned, a mischievous glint in his eyes - "get ready to witness greatness!"

The challenge, a perennial struggle between the two, erupted into their usual banter. (Y/n) stood at the sidelines, a spectator to this daily drama. Their bickering, like a familiar melody, echoed in the hallway, drawing a few curious glances from passing students.

Hinata, ever animated, pointed skyward, boasting about his impending victory. Kageyama, the epitome of stoicism, merely raised an eyebrow in response. The challenge wasn't just a contest of height; it was a testament to their unyielding rivalry and the heartbeat of their dynamic partnership on the court.

As they continued to exchange heated words, (y/n) couldn't help but marvel at how seamlessly this ritual fit into the fabric of their daily lives. It was a performance, a dance of rivalry that played out with the regularity of clockwork, and yet, its charm never diminished.

The group walked through the corridor, enveloped in the ebb and flow of their banter. The challenge might have been inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, but it was these seemingly trivial moments that added the hues to the canvas of their high school memories.

As the final bell echoed through the corridors, (y/n) found herself in the company of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, the trio navigating the school's familiar hallways. Amid the casual chatter about impending tests and the burden of homework, there was a sense of camaraderie that transcended the academic banter.

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