Chapter 106: Winners And Losers

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The gymnasium was electric with energy as Karasuno celebrated their hard-fought victory. (Y/n) couldn't help but join in, sharing in the joy of her friends' success, even though she had some mixed feelings as she glanced over at the Seijoh side of the court.

The Karasuno players were cheering, jumping, and clapping each other on the back. Excitement rippled through the team, and it was evident that they were savoring this hard-earned triumph. High-fives and triumphant shouts filled the air as they relished the sweet taste of victory.

At the same time, the Seijoh players wore expressions of disappointment and exhaustion. They had given their all in this match, and the defeat weighed heavily on their shoulders. But as the two teams lined up to say their thanks and exchange handshakes, (Y/n) could see a glimmer of respect in their eyes. They might have been rivals on the court, but there was an undeniable camaraderie among these players who had pushed each other to their limits.

As Kageyama and Oikawa passed each other, they couldn't help but lock eyes in a tense stare-down. There were so many unspoken words between them, so many years of rivalry and competition. Oikawa was the first to break the silence, his voice carrying a touch of frustration, "We're even now. Don't let it get to your head."

Kageyama, his own frustration evident, responded curtly, "I won't."

Their rivalry was far from over, but for now, they had reached a momentary truce. The tension in the air dissipated, and they each continued down their separate paths.

Leaving the gymnasium, the Karasuno team couldn't resist stealing glances at the match roster board. It displayed the progress they had made in the tournament and hinted at the challenges that lay ahead. Next up was Shiratorizawa, a powerhouse team and the last obstacle they needed to overcome to secure their spot at the Spring Tournament. The mere thought of facing such formidable opponents sent shivers of excitement down their spines.

"(Y/n)-san, did you see that spike from Asahi-senpai? It was incredible!" Hinata practically bubbled with enthusiasm.

"(Y/n)-san, you've been an amazing supporter! Thank you!" Nishinoya grinned as he wrapped her in a high-spirited hug.

"You really helped us keep our spirits up," Tanaka chimed in. "I can't wait to see what we'll do against Shiratorizawa!"

Daichi wore a proud and determined expression. "We've come a long way, but we can't let up now. Shiratorizawa won't be an easy opponent, and we'll need to bring our A-game."

Sugawara added with a smile, "That's right. Let's keep our focus and work even harder. We've got a big match ahead of us."

(Y/n) couldn't help but beam at the team's camaraderie. "I have no doubt you'll give it your all. Congratulations on this amazing match, Karasuno!"

The team shared another round of triumphant cheers and fist bumps, their spirits soaring as they looked forward to the challenge that awaited them.

(Y/n) decided to seek out the Seijoh team to offer her congratulations and words of encouragement after their thrilling match. She was determined to reassure her friends that Karasuno would be the team to finally take down Shiratorizawa.

As she turned a corner, she spotted Oikawa engrossed in conversation with none other than Ushijima. It was an unexpected pairing, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity. What could they possibly be discussing?

"...But he's not alone anymore," Oikawa said, his voice carrying a hint of respect. "That makes him strong."

(Y/n) furrowed her brow, her interest piqued. Were they talking about Kageyama? Her thoughts raced as she considered the implications.

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