Chapter 62: Chaos Part 1

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An atmosphere of pure, utter chaos engulfed the room, leaving a trail of havoc in its wake. Bandages wrapped around people and objects like mummified remnants of a wild disaster. Furniture lay toppled and disarrayed, as if a tempest had passed through. Amidst the pandemonium, Kenta, the mischievous pup, had managed to find a thera-band and gleefully tore it apart, its remnants scattering like confetti. The air was filled with the scent of ultrasound jelly, as Kenta rolled in it, leaving sticky pawprints across the floor.

Meanwhile, (y/n) found herself at the epicenter of this chaotic scene, sitting amidst the mayhem with a slice of pizza in hand. Confusion knitted her brows as she surveyed the spectacle unfolding around her.

"How the hell did I end up in this mess!?" (y/n) exclaimed, her voice drowned out by the commotion.


The sun had just begun its ascent, casting a warm glow upon the streets as (y/n) made her way to her physio appointment at 9 a.m. The morning air held a crispness that hinted at the promise of a new day, yet (y/n) couldn't help but stifle a yawn, her energy still groggy from the early hour. With each step she took, the weight of her crutches proved to be a constant reminder of her recent injury, making even the simplest tasks a challenge.

In her hand, she clutched her favorite drink, its warmth seeping through the cup and offering a small comfort amidst the morning chill. Sipping it proved to be a delicate dance, as she struggled to maintain her balance while maneuvering the crutches. Nevertheless, (y/n) persevered, determined not to let her injury dampen her spirit.

As the streets slowly grew more crowded with people beginning their daily routines, (y/n) found herself unwittingly approaching a group of high school boys who seemed to be in high spirits, undoubtedly ready to tackle the day ahead.

"Woah! Check out that cutie, guys, look at her!" the apparent captain of the group, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and admiration.

His friends, caught up in the moment, nodded in enthusiastic agreement as their eyes followed (y/n)'s figure, momentarily distracted from their original intentions. Their voices carried through the air, reaching (y/n)'s ears as she continued on her way.

However, as (y/n) passed by, the group of hormonal males couldn't contain their enthusiasm and decided to call out to her, their voices brimming with misplaced confidence.

"Hey Gorgeous, can I have your number?" the one with the undercut boldly asked, his voice laced with a hint of charm. "You're way too cute, you know. If you want, I can carry you to wherever you're going."

Caught off guard, (y/n) stopped in her tracks, her eyes narrowing as she turned to face the group. The weight of their words, dripping with shallow flattery and misguided advances, hung heavily in the air. Clicking her tongue in frustration, she chose to respond with an icy glare, silently conveying her disdain for their behavior.

With a dismissive huff, (y/n) continued on her way, leaving the group to sulk in the wake of their failed attempts at garnering her attention. Their fleeting hopes of a romantic encounter dissipated like morning mist, replaced instead by the realization that their words had fallen on deaf ears.

"Damn," the one who had called out to her whined, a tinge of disappointment evident in his voice. "Well, let's go, we have practice this morning! Two-on-two as usual! We've got to get ready for the Spring High prelims. Later, Cutie! Next time, I'm getting your number for sure!"

Jubilant cries echoed behind (y/n)'s figure as the hyperactive group of teens refocused their attention on their impending practice. Their boisterous energy filled the air, temporarily drowning out the earlier encounter as they excitedly discussed their strategies and goals for the upcoming tournament.

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