Chapter 89: Chasing Dreams

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As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the training grounds, the Karasuno High School volleyball team gathered near the court, panting and sweaty but with determination shining in their eyes. This was the last time they would be in Tokyo for a training camp before the highly anticipated qualifier rounds, and the significance of the moment was not lost on any of them.

"(Y/n)-san, that was an insane practice!" Tanaka exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his brow with a grin.

"Thanks, Tanaka-senpai," (y/n) replied, her voice still laced with a touch of exhaustion. "But you were incredible out there! Your spikes have been getting even sharper."

Tanaka's grin widened at the praise, and he fist-bumped Nishinoya, who had just joined the conversation. "Did you see that receive, (y/n)? Noya's like a ninja!"

Nishinoya, his chest puffing with pride, replied, "Of course! My receives have to be on point to match your powerful spikes, Ryuu!"

(Y/n) chuckled at their camaraderie. "You both are an unstoppable duo!"

Daichi, who had been overseeing the practice, approached the group with a pleased expression. "Great effort, everyone. We're all pushing ourselves, and it's showing. Keep it up!"

Kageyama, whose face was flushed with determination, added, "We have to keep getting better. The qualifiers won't be easy."

"You're right, Kageyama," (y/n) agreed, "but it's amazing to see how much we've grown together."

As the team took a break, (y/n) felt a sense of nostalgia thinking about her friends from the other teams. The training camp had brought them all together, and it was a rare opportunity to catch up and share moments with each other.

She noticed Hinata engrossed in conversation with Kenma from Nekoma. The two of them had formed a unique bond during previous encounters, and it was evident they were having a friendly rivalry over something as they smiled and teased each other.

Asahi, Sugawara, and Ennoshita were sitting together, sharing stories and experiences with Akaashi from Fukurodani. The calm and reserved atmosphere surrounding them showcased the strong connection they had built.

"(Y/n)-san!" Hinata called out, waving her over.

(Y/n) approached them, her smile warm. "Hey, guys! What's going on here?"

"Kenma wants to have a real match against us!" Hinata exclaimed.

"The kind where, if you lose, it's really game over..." Kenma said with a certain glint in his eyes.

"I'm also looking forward to that!" (y/n) exclaimed. "We'll make sure it happens!"

Meanwhile, Asahi and Sugawara were having a heartfelt conversation with Akaashi. "You guys have been doing well," Akaashi remarked, "Karasuno has come a long way since our last match."

Sugawara smiled, "Thank you, Akaashi-san. We've been working hard to improve."

Akaashi's eyes softened as he looked at (y/n). "You must be proud of them, (y/n)-san. Your coaching is making a difference."

"I am," (y/n) replied sincerely. "But it's not just me; it's the whole team's effort that's making this possible."

"Hey, hey! Tsukki!" Bokuto called out, grabbing Tsukishima's attention. "You'd better go whoop the pants off Ushiwaka, y'hear!"

"Sorry about this..." Akaashi sighed.

"Uhm... Why?" Tsukishima questioned, slightly annoyed at being grabbed and being called 'Tsukki' by Bokuto.

"Well, you know how I'm totally beating you at everything right now, right?" Bokuto started. "So, if you go and crush Ushiwaka, then that means that, in effect, I'm double crushing him!"

"That makes no sense..." Akaashi and Tsukishima both sighed.

"And then I'll be the greatest of them all!" Bokuto continued.

"Bokuto-senpai!" (y/n) called out, catching the attention of the energetic Fukurodani ace.

"(Y/n)-san!" Bokuto grinned, running over to give her a bear hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, Bokuto-san," (y/n) laughed, returning the hug. "How's training been?"

"Awesome, as always!" Bokuto exclaimed. "I'm working on some new spikes to show off in the qualifiers."

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled with excitement, "I can't wait to see them! You always come up with incredible moves."

Akaashi smiled at the way (y/n) could distract Bokuto; it was clear to him that she wanted to ease the pressure on Tsukishima. "It's great to see you again, (y/n)-san. You've been doing well, I assume?"

"Yes, everyone's giving their best to chase their dreams," (y/n) replied, glancing at the Fukurodani setter with admiration. "It's inspiring to see."

"That's the spirit!" Bokuto exclaimed, pumping his fist in the air.

The sun continued to set, casting a warm glow over the players as they chatted and laughed together. The training camp had brought them all together, even though they would soon be rivals in the qualifiers.

In the meantime, Daichi and Kuroo were having a rare, heartfelt moment together.

"The 'Battle of the Garbage Dump,' huh..." Kuroo started.

"Yep, this is our last chance at it." Daichi continued.

"See you in Tokyo." Kuroo stated confidently.

"We'll be there." Daichi added, also feeling confident in his team.

As the evening progressed, (y/n) spent time with her friends from all the teams, sharing stories, encouraging one another, and making memories. The bond between the teams was strong, even though they would soon be rivals on the national stage.

"(Y/n)-san, let's give our best during the qualifiers!" Hinata exclaimed, his eyes burning with determination.

"You bet, Hinata! We'll face each other on the national stage, but no matter who wins, we'll still be friends," (y/n) replied with a warm smile.

Hinata grinned back, "Yeah, that's right!"

The heartfelt moments and encouragement from her friends filled (y/n) with a sense of pride and determination. The training camp might have come to an end, but the memories and friendships forged during this time would stay with them forever.

With the Tokyo skyline now illuminated with city lights, the Karasuno team bid farewell to their fellow teams, promising to meet again on the national stage. As they boarded the bus to head back home, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves for the upcoming qualifier rounds.

The journey to the nationals would be challenging, but with the bonds they had built and the unwavering support they had for one another, (y/n) knew they were more than ready to chase their dreams and soar to greater heights. With a renewed sense of determination, (y/n) and her teammates braced themselves for the thrilling journey that awaited them in the qualifiers.

"It's my turn to sit next to (y/n)-san!" Nishinoya exlaimed.

"No way! It should be me this time!" Tanaka joined it.

"I want to sit next to (y/n)-san too!" Hinata added.

"Here we go again..." Keishin sighed.

The Conniving CrowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora