Bonus Chapter: 'The Silent Court'

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Director Ennoshita, known for his knack for captivating storytelling, returned for another cinematic venture. This time, the movie was destined to be a blockbuster, brimming with adrenaline-pumping action scenes, perfectly tailored for Nishinoya to showcase his exceptional skills.

The plot thickened when the Johzenji team was roped in to play henchmen, accompanying Asahi, who had taken on the role of the main antagonist. The movie set buzzed with excitement as the players geared up for their roles.

As the Johzenji players swaggered onto the set, they unleashed a wave of intimidating glares towards the Karasuno guys. However, the atmosphere shifted dramatically when their eyes fell upon (y/n), adorned in a sleek black dress as part of her character's ensemble. Instantly, the tough façade of the Johzenji team crumbled, replaced by a collective expression of surprise and admiration.

Terushima, renowned for his audacious personality, wasn't one to shy away from seizing an opportunity. As soon as he caught sight of (y/n) in her captivating black dress, he zeroed in on her like a moth to a flame. The air around him crackled with cheeky energy as he sauntered over, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

"Hey there, (y/n)-chan!" he exclaimed, leaning casually against a prop. "You're looking even more stunning than usual. Mind if I steal a moment of your time?"

The Karasuno boys exchanged glances, immediate discomfort etched on their faces. Tsukishima, the first to vocalize his discontent, muttered, "Can't he take a hint? We're here to shoot a movie, not witness a one-man show."

Sugawara, usually the voice of reason, added with a disapproving frown, "Someone should tell him to tone it down before it becomes a problem."

Meanwhile, even the typically composed Asahi, immersed in his role as the intimidating mobster boss, couldn't ignore the disruption. His sharp gaze flickered between Terushima and (y/n), a subtle scowl forming on his face.

Terushima, undeterred by the brewing tension, persisted with his flirtatious banter. "You know, (y/n)-chan, being surrounded by all these tough guys can be overwhelming. How about a charming and carefree distraction?" His words were accompanied by a playful wink, eliciting an aggravated huff from Hinata and a deepening scowl from Kageyama.

Sensing the need to maintain order, Asahi, in full mobster boss mode, finally stepped forward, a stern expression etched on his features. "Alright, enough of the theatrics," he declared, his deep voice carrying a newfound authority. "We're here to shoot a movie, not audition for a romantic drama. Terushima, get in line. Focus on the scene, or I'll personally make sure your next role is as an extra getting thrown out of a window."

The threat hung in the air, causing a collective pause. Terushima, realizing he had pushed his luck too far, offered a cheeky grin. "Got it, boss. Just adding a bit of spice to the set, you know?"

As Asahi returned to his position, the Karasuno boys couldn't help but share a knowing look. Terushima might have been reined in, but the lingering tension added an unexpected layer to the dynamics on set, leaving everyone on edge as the filming resumed.

As the entire ensemble found their places on the meticulously designed movie set, each actor donned their assigned attire with an air of anticipation. The director, Ennoshita, meticulously orchestrated the scene, ensuring every detail aligned seamlessly with his vision. The buzz of excitement resonated through the air, and with a decisive nod from Ennoshita, the movie set was primed for action.

As the camera began to roll, capturing the essence of the story, the characters immersed themselves in their roles. The Johzenji team, now fully adorned as menacing henchmen, exuded an intimidating aura that set the stage for the impending cinematic showdown. Asahi, in his role as the main antagonist, projected a gravitas that demanded attention, his mobster boss persona emanating an ominous charm.

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